Karina’s Story

Site created on June 13, 2022

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Journal entry by Karina Berryman

And today it's been exactly 20 days since my surgery!!! Wow!!! Woohoo!  Thank you Jesus! Every day I feel like I'm getting better. It is a day to day process. One step at a time. I'm still with changed schedules a bit and sleep when I feel tired when I can. Turning around when you need to change sides is something I can't do. Then it gives me back pain having to be in the same position most of the time. I'm going out the house little by little every day, trying to walk a little more. About 2 hours max, then I have the need to go back, It's the energy that I lack. I'm like a child haha! I thought for a moment that they didn't put a pig or cow valve on me, but the 'Chupacabra one. :-) ! It sucked all the energy out of me, haha! But hey, my legs are much stronger. Let's just say I'm being patient with myself and in my case, that's not a small thing. I'm in very good spirits! I eat small quantities. The nausea that accompanied me the first 10 days, has finally disappeared. A great relief. Counting on my mom's help in this time has been such a gift, for me and for everyone in our house. Kayla and Megan continue to help tremendously! Super proud of them! And Jared, with all the patience in the world to take care of me and help me not to forget anything about the medical instructions, and he makes sure I don't need anything. I want to share with you some moments that most likely will stick in my memory for the rest of my life. Moments that define a before and after. I insist on believing that so many prayers over my life have saved me to make it to the day of my surgery safely. I have witnesses to tell you that I´ve also arrived very calm, confident and with an inexplicable peace. I was hospitalized the night before the surgery. I got our clothes ready, I left my house ready, trying to think of as many details as possible for as long as the time I was not going to be around our house. Then, the moment came when I had to tell the girls, 'well, girls, I have to go. You know, see you later, whenever God wants'. It was a moment I will never forget. The reality is that I did not know if I would say goodbye to my daughters for a little while or if we would never see each other again, at least on this earth. It was a 'see you later, not knowing when that would be. The door of uncertainty was opened, of understanding the finiteness of our times, of not having control of tomorrow, of not knowing if my daughters could count on their mother in the future. To be able to take control of tomorrow, how delusional! As if I had had any at some point, but without realizing it, I had always taken it for granted on a daily basis! However, very difficult to explain, but I could feel a peace surround us, and a voice inside repeating that I could go and feel at ease: my daughters were going to be fine! Honestly, I have not been afraid of dying, but the fear arose when I thought that I would not be able to continue not only being by their side to see them grow, but also continuing to train them and prepare them for the future. We hugged each other, tight, very tight, and we said ´goodbye´, They were also calm- God was right there. We left and they were both with a smile. (photo below) Jared and I went to the Clinic and they gave us a beautiful room. They brought me dinner, and we were able to spend time together chatting and praying. The anticipation for the surgery gave way to an impulse, almost a desire for the hours to pass quickly. I was more than ready for this operation! They took me to the operating room, after 7:20 in the morning. In the same way, Jared and I said goodbye, hugged each other for a long time and trusted that God completely. We felt that God wanted to heal me this way. I arrived, I counted a total of 12 people, maybe I skipped from counting some more. The entire medical team was ready, and I could only see the faces of some. They were covered from head to toe. And they celebrated my arrival, like when someone arrives at a surprise party. They were all doing something, and moving almost frantically, with some task at hand. Everyone was happy to see me enter. I was like a VIP guest or something. Crazy. I was finally able to recognize my surgeon, and the other doctors accompanying him introduced themselves, conveying confidence and trust. They began to tell me everything that they were going to do to me. The anesthesiologist greets me, smiles at me and says, 'Hello Karina. Today's gonna be a great day! You just stay super calm, we are all here to take care of you! I stared at him, because of the firmness, kindness and warmth in his words and his voice, to which I replied 'oh, you are the anesthetist! May God bless your hands! He answers me, ´of course, we are all taking care of you, relax´. From that moment, I was shocked by the sweetness in which he spoke to me and all the time while they were connecting to all kind of things and I don't know how many devices. He constantly caressed my hair, as if I were a daughter, although I think I am older than him! Another moment that I will not forget. That one!

The other doctors kept trying to keep a conversation with me, they were super positive, and at the same time, this other doctor kept caressing my hair like a daughter.... Inside, I thought 'Jesus, is it you? LOL . Already all wired and connected, they put the mask on me to fall asleep and the last thing I heard was a 'here we go! that was it!! For me, it was 10 minutes. For my family, an eternity, especially the last 1:30 extra hour that was added because the doctors were trying to find a way around the prosthesis replacing mine that needed to be placed in such a small place. Now, these days I find myself with frequent check ups. These first 30 days are essential to see how my body is adapting to this new valve. My heart was beating very fast the first 10 days and now it is finally normal. They told me that it is because of the blood flow that was receiving before, and it is reaching all parts of the body now. I saw my surgeon, he says that I am doing very well. He tells me 'take it easy, keep in mind that we reset you'. I hadn't thought of it that way, but it's true. It was a major reset. He keeps asking me if I don't feel sad or depressed, as some patients experience that. I can not be more than happy and grateful! I know this is another reason to give all credit to the one who created me. He doesn't make mistakes. Supposedly I was born with that 'error', but I know that He makes things perfect! Thank you, infinite thanks for continuing to pray for me! Thank you for all the kind words of love and encouragement! I'm very fortunate! I still have recovery time left, but God has sustained me thanks to his prayers! ´m on my way to be in better shape each day. I owe him everything! My days are numbered and in his hands!

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