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Kara: I don't know you personally, but we have a mutual friend that asked me to pray for you. Please know that you are being thought of and you are being prayed for.
Love in Jesus Christ, Susan. | Jun 13, 2018
You and your family will be in our prayers throughout the entire healing process.
Aubrey C Barnette | Jun 13, 2018
CaringBridge Supporter | Jun 13, 2018
We love you Kara! You are strong and resilient and will get through this.
Jennifer Johnston | Jun 13, 2018
We r praying for u & so blessed that Caden had u as a teacher! U hold a special place in his heat!!
Melanie Walley | Jun 13, 2018
Kara, my daughter Kylie went through a cancer fight about two years ago and she is doing well . We will be praying for you to beat this and also pray for Ty and the children along with the rest of your family!
Sammy And Karen Clement | Jun 13, 2018
You taught me in 4th grade at FPDS, I doubt you remember me considering it’s been 11 years but you were my favorite elementary teacher and really helped me as it was my first year in a new school. I’m praying for you and your family, God bless.
Haynes Horsley | Jun 13, 2018
You are a wonderful person, and you always put a smile on my face! Love you and I know you will get through this.
Beth Shrader | Jun 13, 2018
Praying for my longtime friend Russ and his family! Love you guys! 'The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.' Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV
Robert Wilson | Jun 13, 2018
Collie Turner | Jun 12, 2018