Help Kandis Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Kandis’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 39 donors who have made a donation in honor of Kandis.

Dear Kandis, This is Simone Savoie's mother. Please know that we are praying for you. You can beat this cancer. You're tough! You're a Marine! You have so many people who love and care about you. Dig deep and kick this cancer in the ass! Sabine
Sabine Savoie | Nov 23, 2020
Go Forward, Support!
Lindsay Davison (Beantown 1998-2001ish) | Nov 23, 2020
Ruggers stick together. I don't know you but you are part of the rugby family and I want to help however I can.
Liz Reed | Nov 23, 2020
Love y'all tons, here for anything any time.
Rada | Nov 23, 2020
Casey Reynolds-Keais | Nov 22, 2020
I met her as a young rugger too. Full of spunk. She and I always had a playful banter— centered around military service. I teased her for her branch choice and in true Cookie form— she gave it right back. I never told you how proud I am. I'm so proud.
Machin McHargue | Nov 22, 2020
Hey Ruiz, I'll never forget those last nights of OCS Juniors when you told us about your drill instructors and the Kool Aid Club lol. You played a huge part of cementing my decision to pursue a commission (and start playing rugby!) Keep being a bad ass.
-Savoie | Nov 22, 2020
I love you!
Kathleen Ruiz | Nov 22, 2020
Sending love and light you and your family
Katie Wurst | Nov 22, 2020
The big c picked the wrong rugger and marine. You got this, keep on fighting we're all rooting for you!
Mak Vaden | Nov 22, 2020