Help Kai Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Kai’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 34 donors who have made a donation in honor of Kai.

In honor of Kai Lam. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Stay strong.
Guje, Jan & Marc Roos | Jan 21, 2012
In honor of Kai Lam and in celebration of Kai's and Xia's determination and their family's strong spirit
Marianne Hessner and Al Sokol | Dec 20, 2011
Kai, Stay Strong and Keep Fighting. Hope to see you soon. Justin
Justin Reilly | Dec 19, 2011
In honor of Kai Lam
William Joyce | Dec 15, 2011
May God bring health and wellness back to Kai. Just so you know - Kai, you are so awesome!!!
CaringBridge Supporter | Nov 8, 2011
My thoughts and prayers are with you !! Stay strong..
Lauren Gaudet and family | Oct 26, 2011
God bless you and your family
Rachel and Mark | Oct 21, 2011
Thanks for your continuous updates, Kai! 3,720 visits in less than 3 weeks! You are surrounded by friemds and love!
Gittan and Marty Lehman | Oct 15, 2011
In honor of Kai Lam
Ulla and Rolf Haggstrom | Oct 14, 2011
You have always been one of my favorite people on this planet. So kind, gentle and wise. Stay here, be strong, fight, the world needs you.
Brooke | Oct 12, 2011