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Jun 09-15

This Week

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One year!  Sunday was the one year anniversary of the day we first took Justin to the emergency room at OSU.  It was there that we first heard of Guillain-Barre Syndrome.  (We're very familiar with it now!!)  That day began a long journey filled with fear and grief, but it also began a year filled with some of the greatest joys, blessings, and lessons that we've ever experienced.

Justin went to church with us this past weekend.  He sang the song "Battle Belongs" during our church worship service.  That song has been our family's anthem during Justin's journey.  When we could only see the battle, God saw the victory.  When we could only see the mountain (GBS!), God saw the mountain moved.  We were called to be faithful by fighting -- on our knees in prayer.  And so many joined with us from all over the world.  It's still so overwhelming to think about that, but we will be forever grateful for each one who stood (or kneeled!) beside us in prayer.  We needed you, and you showed up.  Thank you!!  As he was singing, I had pictures running through my mind of days in the hospital -- days when we weren't sure he would even live and days when we didn't know if he would ever speak or sing again.  God has blessed us so abundantly!!  While I've always enjoyed hearing Justin sing (and what mom wouldn't?!?), I don't think I'll ever hear him sing now without thinking of God's goodness and grace to us!!    

On Sunday evening, Jeff, Justin, and I spent a lot of time reminiscing over events this past year, especially early in the journey.  It was really good to hear things from Justin's perspective, and I think it was good for him to hear ours.  Those early days were so hard, and we learned how helpless we really are!  But God's presence became so real to us, and I hope we never lose sight of that.  God's purposes are good, His plans are good, and His love is steadfast.  Some of the memories were difficult to relive, but they made us appreciate being on this side of the valley.  Normal life is a good thing; boring is even extra special sometimes!!

Now Justin is living in his own house.  He's been teaching full-time since January, and he's just a few weeks from the end of this school year.  He's looking forward to the summer, since he didn't have much fun last summer!  And we're excited to be living an ordinary life again.  I'm not planning on making any more posts, but feel free to pray for us!  We've learned to be much more sensitive to people going through hard things.  Right now, we have so many family and friends who are struggling with cancer, serious health problems, and difficult life circumstances.  It's our turn to be supporters for others.  We've got lots of praying to do, because that's what God's people do for one another!!    

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