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Jun 09-15

This Week

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Justice and AJ update:
I want to apologize for not getting something out before now but as you can imagine things are pretty hectic around here.
This afternoon, Justice underwent surgery to repair his broken femur.  The doctors were hesitant to perform the surgery prior to this due to some concern over how strong he was.  The surgery was a huge success and for the rest of his life Justice will now set off metal detectors.  The surgery went well and the good news was it didn’t seem too difficult on his body.  The doctor even said the repair was strong enough to allow him to walk on it with crutches or even a cane, temporarily.  It is expected that he will have no permanent issues with the leg.  The next hurdle is the ventilator.  We are hopeful that he could be able to come off of it tomorrow but only time will tell.  As with all surgeries and trauma there is concern of infection and that type of thing but things are definitely looking up.  
I spoke with AJ’s mom this evening and she provided this update and allowed me to share it with you. AJ requires surgery to repair a broken jaw.  It is anticipated that the surgery will occur tomorrow. As with Justice, there are many variables that go into getting surgery done.  We are hoping and praying that everything will work out for that to occur tomorrow.  AJ is suffering some swelling in his leg and hands.  It is believed that this is from general trauma of the accident and there is no obvious mechanisms of injury to cause this.  As with Justice, They are going to try to get AJ off the vent soon.  More good news is that AJ is no longer in a neck brace.  
They are going to try to remove some of the sedation from both boys and slowly bring them more into consciousness. Earlier today both boys responded to commands and directions with hand squeezes and similar responses.  It’s not known how much they will remember about the accident, our hope is none of it and none of this pain that they are going through. 
Both boys have suffered from trauma fevers and various other small issues in addition to larger ones which seem mostly resolved.  These boys are strong and they are fighters.  The power of prayer and the grace of God is what is getting these boys through this. It was said to me earlier today that these boys are going to have one amazing testimony to be able to share.  It’s is from all of you that are reaching out to God on their behalf that is making these miracles happen.  Please don’t sit back and think the work is done we need to keep the prayer going.  We can’t rest until these boys are out of this and through these difficult times. We can’t possibly thank you enough for the gift of prayer.  Hopefully, I can update with more good news tomorrow.

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