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Jun 16-22

This Week

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It has been eight weeks since my cornea surgery, and it has taken a long time for clear vision, but it has arrived. The eye drop routine has become much easier. I have been driving for almost three weeks and that certainly has helped for life to be a bit more normal. One can feel rather trapped without the ability to independently drive, but it also taught me more patience and better planning in getting things done.  My vision is good, I can read without an issue and my sunglasses are still part of my attire. 

Next problem: Had regular six month dermatology appointment which is a standard check for my older sun damaged skin. Much to my surprise I had four skin biopsies and each one turned out to be positive and needed further treatment. Two could be treated with simple office procedures but two others need Moh's procedures. As I said these came as big surprises and add some stress to life.

The day before the dermatology appointment I had my oncology appointment with lab work, Dr. consult and monthly injection. I went in feeling quite good.  Later that day I received a call from the office reporting several of my liver enzymes were elevated in comparison to my February tests. Plan at that point to alter several meds that could be effecting the liver enzyme levels and repeat the labs in June. If the higher levels continue  move the routine scan scheduled for August up to be sooner.

This is the pattern I am in now in. I am trying to remain positive but the “What if” worries creep in. My daughter Susan  has taught me that  “Calm in the waiting” is a most helpful prayer. Anxiety can imobalize and interfere with clear thinking. When you have some serious issues going on it is too easy to worry about EVERY possible quirck that comes along. I am trying to be wise and thoughtful and look to facts to sort out the lab tests.

I also know how well my body responded to the initial big surgery two years ago last February……28 months of recovery and feeling pretty darn good. Fatigue has been a challenge and I have met that with naps and moderation of schedules.

It is almost,,,,almost….humerous trying to keep all the various appointments/phone calls/reports organized. I have separate color coded folders….Oncology, Cornea, Dermatology…..where all the important information is so I can find it fast.

This has been a long note , yet that gives you an idea of where I'm at! There have been days where it seems everything I did revolved around various body parts with problems. Please continue to support me with your prayers …….for wise discernment , prayers that the lab tests will not show a big problem, prayers the eventual Moh's surgeries will be minimally invasive and heal well, prayers that I will be calm in the waiting AND in the treatment, whatever that comes to be.

In the midst of all this Dick and I celebrated our 55th wedding anniversary: A very big week in June 1969 as we  graduated on Sunday ( Dick from Medical  School, I from the College of Nursing ), were married on Tuesday and moved to Minneapolis on Saturday. Little did I imagine how we would see the world together over so many years.  Lots of good life over these years.  Presently we try to capture as much time as we can on the island. Dick's gardens are lovely with blossoms now on the tomato plants. I have the inside mostly clean and tidy and sorted and declutterred. The Lupin is in full bloom. The hummingbirds are back and for two days we have seen a doe and her newborn fawn in the lake side yard. All this and my beloved husband of all these years by my side. I am a blessed woman.

God is there for me and my family, I know it.  Yet we all need a bit of encouragement and support. Thank you for being there for me/us. My lab work will be June 17…please extra prayers for that day.

With a grateful appreciative heart ❤️

Peace for Today, Hope for Tomorrow, Trust in the Lord

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