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Jun 02-08

This Week

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'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”'

Philippians 4:6-7)

Sorry for the delay in updates but I got bearing WONDERFUL news.

Jude is home!

He graduated NICU and was sent home on November 16th. He did have a quick visit again on November 19th after losing a little too much weight - eating is hard work and he just got too tuckered out! After 3 additional days in the NICU, he had his second graduation.  He was doing amazing with eating everything by mouth and slowly gaining weight!

Since being home, he continues to eat well, gain weight and loves his big brother Rowan like CRAZY!

In the the next month he will have follow up appointments with surgery, cardiology & urology (one kidney was slightly more dilated in the initial ultrasound- but they aren’t concerned , just want to recheck).

Jude is a rockstar and we have all the faith in him during these.

Current Prayer requests
⁃ For Jude to continue to gain weight.
⁃ To stay healthy, as there is a lot of sickness going around.
⁃ For follow up appointments to bring good news and no concerns.

Thank you all for your prayers & patience on this update. We are adjusting to life at home as a family of four & so grateful for our little warrior and for ALL of you!

What a journey it has been & we are praising Jesus for Jude, forever & ever!

The glory of God is oh so good.

The appreciation is something they are unable to put into words. It has been witnessed within the hands of the surgeons, the hearts of the nurses and all the way to the path home for Jude!


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