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Jun 09-15

This Week

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Since that day, just one week ago, my life has been turned upside down, inside out, and sideways, all at lightspeed. At the same time, it seems like this has been going on for months. It's the strangest thing I've ever experience. I have seen the surgeon, her nurse practitioner, my nurse navigator, the oncologist, had lab work and genetics testing done, and that was all just LAST week. This week, I will have a bone scan, a CT scan, a port placement, and an echocardiogram, all before returning to the oncologist on Thursday for my first of 8 chemotherapy treatments. And that's just the MEDICAL stuff. I have to fill out ADA Accommodation paperwork for my district's HR Department, put in for subs for the days I KNOW already that I won't be able to work, make sure things at home are covered - dentist and orthodontist appointments, groceries bought, dog walked, wig ordered, chemo care bag packed... it seems to go on forever. I have a WONDERFUL network of support from my 3 families - biological, church, and work, and honestly, I'm at peace about the cancer itself (although that's subject to change come Thursday). What overwhelms me to the breaking point is the "other" - all that stuff above, and more.

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