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Jun 09-15

This Week

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Wow! Josie is 19 months old. Can you even believe it? There are tons of things going on in the Priewe household so I’m going to try to keep this update as concise as possible, but it’s been 7 months since some of you have heard from us. 

Josie Kaye has been going through some huge developmental leaps. About three months ago we decided to put her on medication to help her sleep as it was becoming apparent that the inability to sleep was a result of her disability. This decision was long debated and not easy, but we are so grateful that it was made. Josie is finally sleeping better and as a result is so much happier. I often describe her as content or chill 😳 I NEVER thought we would get to that point, but I’m thankful we’re here. A complete 180 from the baby that used to scream at us 24/7. As a result of a happier baby, Josie has been excelling in all of her therapies. She’s starting to enjoy food in small amounts. Her favorites are pears, apples, and blueberries. Her least favorites are carrots. We still rely solely on her tube for meals, but she gets snacks in the middle by mouth. OT and PT also are going well. Her newest accessory at home is her stander which will help with her muscle and hip development. Her right hip is partially dislocated due to her muscle tone and lack of weight bearing through her legs. Right now therapy is the only method to use to help correct this although she may need surgery in the future. We’re looking forward to going to a specialized therapy in Nashville in March where Josie will receive therapy twice a day for three weeks. 

Josie was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy a few months back. This was a diagnosis that we were expecting and it was a relief to finally officially have it. Having her diagnosis opens up more resources that we are able to utilize to help Josie get all that she needs! We continue to be super thankful for how well Josie handles sickness. Children with similar diagnoses as Josie are severely threatened by the common cold and flu. What is easily handled by many is extremely threatening to our community and can cause hospitalizations, further infection, or death. Pray that Josie continues to be unaffected by the cold and flu season! 

Lastly, the Priewe’s are moving! Not too far, just the house in the backyard. When this parsonage became available, we knew we’d need to make this jump as it is a ranch and we currently live in a tri-level. For Josie’s disabilities the ranch is the clear best fit for our family. We plan to make the move on November 27th and are looking forward to it being done. 

It’s no secret that raising Josie has been an unforeseen challenge, but we are feeling settled in our roles. It took 19 months but I’m finally feeling like I’m finding so much joy in being a mom. Every smile, every small step forward in therapy, every morning snuggle brings such warmth to our hearts. Thank you for continuing to support us on our journey! 

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