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Jun 02-08

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Sorry its been so long since my last update. My recovery has continued without any setbacks or complications. I completed my physical rehab visits last Thursday and Becky and I joined the Christus workout facility on Hwy. 110 and Grande this past Monday. It's a great facility with lots of top notch equipment and free weights and best of all it has never been crowded any time we have been there so hopefully it will be perfect for a quick in and out workout whenever we can squeeze it in.  

I hope to maintain the workout schedule I started in rehab on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I also started riding my stationary bike trainer at home for 30 minutes the first thing in the morning before breakfast, which sets me up for having an active day right from the start.

In the final analysis, there is a lot of good news/bad news (or more accurately great news/not so great news) to report.

Good news: my fitness and endurance is steadily returning.

Not so great: I'm realizing that it's going to be a slow process . That's OK with me because I really enjoy the daily challenge and reward that a good workout or bike ride provide and in a lot of ways I feel better than I have in years. Life is good.

Great news: since my surgery I have lost about 25 lbs.

Not so great: a lot of that was lean muscle but I started some weight lifting during rehab and I'm able to do even more now at the gym. My 67 year old muscles were quick to go dormant over the past 8 weeks. I hope they realize that the rocker/recliner won't be my permanent location any time soon.

Great news: I have not suffered any negative mental or emotional side effects as are common after heart procedures. In fact I feel better mentally, emotionally and spiritually than I have in years.

Maybe not so great: I am even more annoyingly sunny and chipper first thing in the morning than I was before. Fortunately I'm pouring most of that positive energy into the pedals at 6 AM.

This will probably be my last Caring Bridge update unless there's something else going on with my health that I'm oblivious to at this time.

As a final note there are just far too many people to thank for their kindness, generosity and support over the past two months. Between my brothers and sister, our TCF church family and so many friends in the community, as well as some great doctors, nurses, physical therapists and other healthcare workers every need I have had from making meals to mowing my yard has been taken care of, mostly before I even had to ask for help. I will always remember this experience with a deep sense of gratitude.

Lastly, thank each you for reading and commenting on these updates. Your support has kept my chin up through some very challenging days.

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