Help Jordie Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Jordie’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 30 donors who have made a donation in honor of Jordie.

Jordie, I'm thinking of you and sending love.
Nancy J MCALLISTER | Feb 23, 2024
'Toolchest.' Yes! Toolkits are good and useful on the go, but Jordie's got a 24/7 toolCHEST, and I add my prayers to same! Love, John
John Syme | Feb 22, 2024
Jordie- You are an inspiration to all who read your blog and all the people you interact with, whether family and friends or patients. You are in my daily prayers. Stay strong in the Lord. He will carry you through everything.
Gayle Coughanour, As Friend Of Your Mom's | Feb 13, 2024
Love to our Jordie, may he find peace in joyful living
Merri Beverly | Feb 13, 2024
Sharon Garfield | Nov 29, 2023
Thinking of you Jordie. Hope you remember me - remember Tina Turner concert?!?! Your writing is incredible. You be strong now. Good results coming your way. Big hugs and yes, wear the sweater. Love the colorful condiments phrase.
Much fondness, Cathy Spencer (Davidson Admission office) | Nov 29, 2023
Continued prayers and love for today and for the days to come. You are such an inspiration to all who cross your path♥️
Love always, Aunt Robbie | Oct 27, 2023
Jordie always brings a smile to everyone how is lucky enough to have met him. He has great Costco tips, if you didn't know. May health and wellness find you and stabilize you. You're such a special person who brings so much to all of us.
Daniel Fox | Oct 26, 2023
We’re thinking of you , keeping you close to our hearts and prayers that you may rise your hopes in miracle because world and God need your loving beautiful heart ,
Love Kate and Hal Reec | Oct 19, 2023
Hi Jordie, I’m Clare’s friend and Squire’s wife, who took you for a boat ride in Winter Haven. I’ve been praying for you everyday and praising God for your progress. You are such an inspiration and we delight in You. The Lord Almighty Jesus be ever so close to you and your loved ones . Punkin Smith
Punkin Smith | Sep 19, 2023