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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Well friends and family, 2023 has been a wild ride for me. I don't know where to start, so I'll start from the top down. It has finally been determined that I do NOT have Parkinson Disease! Of course that is great news! But 2023 brought me a whole host of issues. I am having issues with my vision...seeing double after a long day. Very disturbing. I have had some tests done and indeed my left eye no longer lines up with my right. At one exam, the doctor put some kind of clear patch on my left eye glass lens that has vertical lines on it. I have an appointment this month to see another specialist this month so I'll keep you advised of that. 

Remember my first cancer 16 years ago where my ENT doctor removed seventy three lymph nodes from the right side of my neck? To date, no medical person I've asked has been able to tell me how big a lymph node is. Anyhow, when you remove seventy three of something out of a persons body, that creates a void. Over the years, what has filled that void is scar tissue. Last Memorial Day weekend I experienced what is called a TIA...a mini stroke. Off to the doctors again and after many tests and exams, the vascular surgeon has determined that the scar tissue is strangling my two carotid arteries that go up both sides of my neck. From the pictures and measurements taken, the arteries on both sides of my neck are extremely blocked. I won't get into numbers but I am basically a walking time bomb. The vascular surgeons are debating whether to operate because of the proximity of my arteries to the scar tissue, but hopefully I will have some kind of answer this month. Since Memorial Day, I have had three more TIAs but less severe than the first. All though, have taken bits and pieces of my life away from me. My gyroscope that keeps me upright doesn't always works as it should and I walk like a drunken sailor. Other little things in my life have changed. I have several appointments this month dealing with that. I am wearing now on my right wrist, what I refer to as my Dick Tracy watch, for those of you who are old enough to remember Dick Tracy. Who would have thought back then that someday humans would have a watch on the wrist that was a phone? Besides doing a whole lot of other things, my watch has a special red button on the side of the watch. If I feel another TIA coming on, I can press that red button, which will connect me to a special service that will automatically contact 911 along with my wife and children. The watch has GPS in it so emergency services will know where to find me. So far I have not needed to press the button but it is good to know that I can activate to speed help to come to me. I pray that I never have to use it.

The after effects of both cancers continue to hinder my life in one way or another but I am trying to deal with them the best I can. My family and friends who are around me have been very generous and understanding of my situation. It feels fantastic to be loved!

I am having prostate issues as some men my age do, but my Urology doctor is working on that issue also.

I've decided not to ski yet this year until my artery situation is cleared up as if I were to have a TIA up on the mountain, I don't feel confident that an ambulance can get me to the medical center in time. So I am trying to stay close to home for now. But the moment a solution has been put in place...I'm off to glide down the mountain on my skis.

During last Summer Thursday night sailboat races, Jeremy and I have been trading off skippering the boat and despite some minor one would expect between father and son...he will be ready to take over the helm and other duties, should I have to get off the boat for my medical issues. I have full confidence in him!

Sadly, I have given up car racing because of my present condition but I still enjoy going with Jeremy to the races and watching him zoom around the course. Car racing was a great experience for me and I am very grateful to my son for having allowing me to drive such a fast car.

I have gotten way out of shape physically and lost a lot of weight but I have started a training program with my daughter who is trained in the field and look forward to getting feeling better and putting on the the proper places.

GREAT news! This past November, Rebecca and I were blessed with our first grandson! Riley came into this world as healthy as could be and Brittney & Jeremy could be any happier! Rebecca and I just went up and saw them yesterday at their home in Grand Isle and Riley is doing great and growing. It is amazing to me how small his fingernails are! So very enjoyable to just watch him and listen to him. We look forward to the coming years and spoiling him! LOL

That's it for now...except thank you to all that have hung in there and supported my family and myself through my health issues over the past sixteen years. I...and the family really appreciate that and are very grateful that we have you around us! Bless you all!

Sans Doute,


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