Jonathan’s Story

Site created on December 24, 2022

Welcome to Jonathan's CaringBridge website. Our family greatly appreciates your prayers, letters, encouraging notes, and gifts to help our family on this journey. 

In December of 2022, Jonathan was diagnosed with AML Leukemia, a type of aggressive cancer affecting the stem cells in the bone marrow. He was life flighted to Seattle Children's hospital, where chemotherapy treatments began, and our family was thrust into a whirlwind of unknowns. But with Jesus as our Lord and Savior we are already on the path to victory. Death has been defeated at the cross, and Jonathan is in God's hands. He belongs to the Lord before he was ever ours. We are continually reminded that we are small, weak and fragile, but God is big, and strong and sovereign.

Note about "tribute" donations or donations made to CaringBridge: Due to the amazing support and generosity of friends and family, we want to clear up some confusion around "tributes" vs donations. To clarify, "tributes" go to fund the CaringBridge website, which is a worthy cause to keep the site online and free to use (and ad-free). However: if you intended to help our family directly, please make donations via options listed on the "Ways to Help" section of the website. If you made a tribute donation to CaringBridge unintentionally, you can call into CaringBridge (651-452-7940) and they will refund the donation.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Charissa Perry

0848   We are in a hospital room waiting for labs to clear and the anesthesiologist to arrive.  I've lost count of how many bone marrow aspirates Jonathan has had but this is his one year procedure. It's no more important than the ones before but this feels like a milestone.

April 20th marked the actual one year out from Jonathan's bone marrow transplant. A week or so prior to his transplant a 34 year old woman from Germany took a week out of her life to donate lifesaving peripheral bone marrow so our son could have a second chance at life.  She may never know how much her inconvenience became such a gift for us.  

Fun Facts: After Jonathan's hair started to grow back it initially grew back in black. We were cautioned that it may regrow with a different color and/or texture so we had teased him that it might come in as red hair. Much to his relief he didn't join the ginger club. However, since the original first growth of black it has returned back to his light brown color from before. 

0919   I'm now in the pediatric family waiting area. It is a blessing to see a Bible on the table. It stands as a beacon of hope for families that must wait in here in anxious uncertainty.

Since my last post Jonathan was taking  30+ pills daily, today, I'm pleased to say he's down to 12!

What does the future hold for us? Hopefully fewer appointments, continuing health improvements, and eventually less chemotherapy. 

He's also talking about applying for a part time job when he turns 14 in October. The boy/man has plans that include becoming a professor or a librarian when he reaches adulthood. These are a few signs of healing, of looking to a future. 

0948   I am back in his hospital room. His doctor, who drew his bone marrow, told me this draw looked preliminarily healthier than the last time she stuck him back in January.  His labs are okay with a few numbers raising yellow flags that will probably bring us back next week to check on those. 

The aspirate drawn today will head over to Seattle and probably take a few weeks for us to get results. We're hoping for a cancer free result.

Now to nudge him awake and let him know his food arrived.


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