John’s Story

Site created on April 23, 2022

Update 2-22-24

"Last week, John had a fall and attempted to recover at home over the weekend. However, it became evident that he needed to seek medical attention, and fortunately, he was admitted to Grady. In summary, he sustained a hip fracture and will undergo a fairly simple repair procedure involving three screws.

Additionally, John experienced some heart issues this week, which they suspect may be related to the fracture. Surgery is scheduled for Friday morning, followed by rehabilitation at Grady.

Currently, John doesn't have access to email or his voicemail at home. Feel free to send messages here, and I'm sure others will share words of encouragement with him.

Thank you for sending healing thoughts to this incredible man whom we all love and support!

- Team John"

As a few of you may have heard, John Wolfinger has experienced some health issues recently. Sadly on April 3rd he had to have his right leg amputated below the knee. Since then he has been undergoing physical therapy at an Emory facility and will be discharged to go home in a wheelchair late next week.
A group of friends including Kevin Cronin, Glenn Hilburn, Kathryn King, Nan Safay and I have been serving as his support team getting the house ready for him to manage in a wheelchair, and to a lesser extent with a walker, and with other tasks. His cousin Rob Planisek has also been down to visit from Ohio. Now we need to ask the larger community of John's many friends for help. 

Eventually John will have a prosthesis and be able to get around more normally, but for the next several weeks he is going to need some help with meals, transportation to and from doctor appointments and therapy sessions, grocery shopping and other errands, and more. Toward that end we are collecting contact information for those who would like to volunteer.

If you think you can help, use this link ( ( to provide your contact information and to give us a general idea what you are interested in doing, and we will be in touch with more information and to get you on the schedule. We will use the CaringBridge application to coordinate and keep everyone up to date.
If you think of others who may want to help, please send me their contact information. Please do not forward this email. We want John to have control over who is invited to be in his home and know about his situation. 
Over the years John has given so much of his time to good causes in our community and throughout the city. I know many of you will want to help him now as he recovers. Feel free to reach out to any of us if you have questions.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Kevin Cronin

Update on John

John went to see his Oncologist today to finalize what treatment he will undergo to continue to FIGHT his Prostate Cancer. He is not feeling any pain or discomfort. His PSA spiked, and we realized that the oral Chemo he had been doing for a year had run its course, and we needed to find another weapon to slow the cancer and hopefully shrink it!

He will begin his first Chemotherapy treatment on April 2nd. Ten sessions will be administered every three weeks. Each time, blood work will be done, so after the third session, we hope to see the PSA level start to decrease again. As far as chemotherapy is concerned, this drug should have the lowest side effects. 

We, of course, want to keep John healthy and and enable him to kick Cancer's but, so if you do not feel 100%, please do NOT visit with him. 

John loves visits and outings, so please continue to do those. If you bring food by the house, please put the date on the container. If you take him out, please help him transfer safely to the car and lock his walker.  

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