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Jun 16-22

This Week

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It's been so long since my last post that you guys probably forgot all about me. That's actually OK since I would rather not be thought of as "sick" anyway😉. I guess the biggest news, as the title of this post implies, is that I have now returned to work full time. This feels good although I must say I got used to having my whole week be my own. In particular, I no longer have the option of dropping Dawn off at work and then returning home where I could relax on the couch, joined by my puppies, and take a nice morning nap. Not that I did this all the time but it was nice to have the option (and the puppies are champion nappers - see below). I was able to get some projects done around the house before returning to work - the living room and the deck have both been painted. It's part of sprucing up the house in preparation for Joelle's wedding next year.

On the medical front, things continue to progress well. For starters, I have now gained around 50 pounds since my release from the hospital. It's probably time to pull back on the eating a little before I overshoot the target. I am off of the prednisone and off of the medication that protects my stomach from all the other medications. I am also tapering off of the antirejection drug. The daily pill count continues to drop. I did develop a rash, but after a biopsy of the rash on my chest (one can never have enough biopsies) it was determined to not be graft versus host disease, so I can continue tapering off of the meds. I only see the doctor and have blood drawn every 2-3 weeks now.

I want to say again how much we have appreciated everyone's support through this. It lifted my heart to read the comments you posted and just to see that there have been almost 2,000 visits to this site. Your words, prayers, positive thoughts have meant more to us than you can imagine.

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