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May 26-Jun 01

This Week

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One month ago - mom and I stood by dad - one on each side holding his hand.....little did we know we were spending the last few hours he had on earth with him.  I cherish every single one of the moments - we all do.  In one of my earlier posts I referred to Psalm 30:2 - "Oh Lord, I cried to you for help and you restored my health."  God did hear our cries - and he did restore dad's health to the glory of being in HIS presence.  Our dad, grandpa, husband, brother, uncle, cousin, to stand in front of the Lord our God and hear the BEST words........ "Well done, good and faithful servant."  

While we certainly 'wish' that God would've restored Dad's health here on earth, heaven needed a hero.  If you read further into Psalm 30 - vs 5b reminds us that "weeping  may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning"......vs 11 & 12:  "you have turned my mourning into joyful dancing, you have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.  O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!"

We do weep - somedays more than others, there is no other way to say it - we miss Dad.  BUT we also have GREAT joy in all our memories and the outpouring of love and support from a community that Dad was also a faithful servant to.  It is a strange thing - that peace and joy in the midst of mourning.  Even when the tears do come - we also smile and laugh and remember.  How I wish I could run into my daddy's arms right now - in the midst of chaos - he wouldn't say a word, but just hold me.  Or any of us.  That's just who he was.  And he still is.  He just holds us in a different way now....

If you missed Dad's celebration, I highly encourage you to watch it.  Sure, it may be difficult to watch, but we also believe you will be touched and most importantly, may the words shared that day impact your life. 

While not a word used often to describe this type of event, it was awesome.  From the Mitchell Family Funeral Home, to the BCERTS & Conrad Fire Department, to the Grundy County Honor Guard, to friends and brought such comfort, love & smiles!  There is NO WAY we can truly express our gratitude.

I did want to share the music that we played or had sung at Dad's service.  Listen to the songs - they speak to any heart.   AND they speak so PERFECTLY to all dad was and is.  Each one of these songs 'came' to us.

Scars in Heaven:  After dad had passed and I was driving Mom & Dad's camper home, I decided to turn the radio on and asked God to give me a song to help me thru....this is what was playing on the radio.  I almost had to pull over off the road........

Heaven Was Needing A Hero

Daddy's Hands:  Years ago, I used this song for the Father/Daughter dance...and the song has stuck.  Jaci and Jodi sang it....again so describes dad - if you knew dad - you knew he never had clean hands :-)

Not All Hero's Wear Capes: long story behind the group who sings this song...but Jaci ran across this song the night after dad left this world - and it's like it was just written for dad.

The 'last call' at the cemetery was so emotional and perfect at the same time - thank you Grundy County for the tribute. 

Jenna had the BEST dream - you know the kind of dream that is so real that when you wake you aren't sure if it was real or a dream......well that morning, when we got the call to get to the hospital, we were in the campers at the fair - of course I was not quiet in getting up and trying to find my glasses, phone, get dressed, etc......Jenna later told me that she was so confused because I woke her - and in her dream at that moment - we were all at the hospital with grandpa and he was off of all machines - laughing and smiling - talking to us all..............friends - I have no doubt that was the very moment dad left this world and entered the gates of heaven.  He gave Jenna - and all who hear her dream - the best gift - he let us know he was laughing and smiling.  Dad would want everyone to laugh, smile, and continue to live life.  To not live in fear.  To live a life in faith, hope & love relying on and living in God's will.  He would want to know that all of us will join him someday in heaven.  Will you?  

There are SO many things to say, but from our hearts, thank you.  Thank you for honoring and celebrating our hero.  While we don't get to hold dad anymore - the 'thought that makes us smile even as the tears fall down, is that the only scars in heaven are the hands holding dad right now.'   Always in our hearts and forever our you dad.  



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