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May 26-Jun 01

This Week

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Spoiler alert: As I reread my post, I sound like such a Debby Downer. Just a lot going on….

Hello friends…I know my posts are getting fewer and far between.
With our fishing season ramping up, we’ve been busy. Not going to lie, it’s been tough, physically, mentally and emotionally. We’ve been driving back and forth to Anchorage purchasing food, supplies & equipment, boxing it up and moving them from point A to B. It’s a lot on John. I am glad I am here to help as much as I can and am no longer working my corporate job. I don’t like John driving the 5 hours to Anchorage and 5 hours back, so I drive these days. He gets very tired and sleeps most of the drive time. Since McKenna is homeschooling, she’s been helping us a lot with the schlepping of gear. We’ve been taking advantage of the free child labor. 🤪

John’s CA19-9 tumor markers went from 107 to 591 this month. Not the direction we were hoping for. His oncologist ordered a CT scan last week, which looked to be stable. But his radiation oncologist wants a PET scan done before he leaves for the Bush next month. Keep those prayers coming that all is well. Whatever happens, he’s bound and determined to work the entire summer. We have no contingencies. He’s the only one who knows the business inside and out and it’s our only source of income. I will be in the Bush all of July and maybe go back out in August as I don’t want to leave John for too long. I am just thankful that we will all be spending the summer working together as a family. Whatever we go through, we’ll face it together.

John has been on his oral chemo for a few months now. He absolutely hates taking so many meds.  I think he takes at least 18-20 pills each day. He wakes up nauseous, takes pills which makes him more nauseous, and just stays nauseous. I wish this would just stop. I find he is losing patience and hope at times. The cancer is physically and mentally trying to beat him down. Daily tasks take longer, are harder, and daily naps are becoming more routine. I’m no spring chicken either so I am mindful not throw my hip or back out as I pack and haul supplies, groceries and gear. We just go Tim Conway pace….it’s humorous at times!

We went to watch the Homer High School graduation tonight and my heart was full watching McKenna’s bestie graduate. Hazel has been such a heartwarming support to McKenna this past year. She will be working at fish camp again this summer with us and will attend Columbia University in the fall. She received an incredible merit scholarship which covers all her tuition….so proud of her! We will all
miss her when she leaves. As I watched the class of 2024, the senior slideshow, and all the pomp and circumstance, I think of McKenna missing out on her junior year at the high school as she homeschooled this past year. She wants to homeschool for her senior year as well - she wants to stay close to John. Her biggest fear of going back to school is if something happened to John while she was at school. But she is sacrificing creating memories with friends and her social life. She doesn’t go out, play sports, go on dates, or goes to parties. So different from both mine and John’s high school experiences. I just want her to have her some fun, positive teenage memories. She’s such a good girl and good heart. 

We’ve been focusing on the path to college and that is exciting for McKenna. I am hoping to visit some schools with her in the fall and that gives us something to look forward to after a hard fishing season. 

We have our good days and bad days, but we’re experiencing them together as a family. We’ve never been closer…I love them so much. They deserve so much more happiness and health. It isn’t fair. Keep those prayers coming…rally up some good juju for others who need them as well. 

Hope, love and faith….keep it coming on! 🫶

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