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Jun 09-15

This Week

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Hello all, or should I say Welcome back!  


            I know what you’re all thinking; it’s been forever since we’ve had an update about Jody! And it has been. If you have thought this, you are not alone, many have been nagging me to post but I just have not had the time..  Life catches up with you quick, and you wont believe this when I tell you, but its been two years, TWO YEARS, since my moms accident. What? No way. Not 2! Seems like longer, seems like shorter, I don’t know what it feels like to you, but for us, those who live the repercussion’s of what happened 2 years ago everyday, it seems like her accident was a million years ago. I don’t want to sound like all of the things that have happened since have been bad… because they haven’t been, things are just different, we have a new sense of reality. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, my moms accident was awful something I would never wish upon my worst enemy, but then again it was sort of a blessing in disguise.

            A blessing because we have learned so much. We’ve learned that my mom can basically tolerate anything.. For those of you who saw her at her worst you know this, for those of you who did not and just saw it through my posts, you basically know this as well. She is one tough mama let me tell you. I have never thought of my mom as a weak individual, while there were times growing up I was terrified of her (for good reasons) and times even as an adult I just think to myself damn she’s bad ass. But these last two years have been the most eye opening years of my life! I have seen my mom basically on her deathbed, to now walking around (with crutches and without) and working full time. Yes I said it, FULL FREAKING TIME. The lady went back full time. I mean I realize at some point you have to move on with your life and either accept the change or don’t but she has gone from living in a hospital to living at home, and going through that transition beautifully.

            As mentioned above, my mom has gone back to work at Sandcastle Childcare working fulltime, doing what she loves again. Its funny, since she was gone or was only working very part time hours, there have been so many kids that have grown up! You really don’t think that much time has passed until you realize that when her accident happened …insert child’s name here… was a toddler and now they are a full fledge preschooler waiting their turn for kindergarten! My mom has always loved this place, the people, the parents, and mostly the kids. She loves nothing more than feeding a baby or rocking them to sleep. She has not only raised the 4 of us, but countless others. She is right where she is supposed to be.

            There’s more… Yes I know I haven’t really even said much yet and you’ve already been reading for what seems like months but I swear its coming…

One year ago, I asked my mom what is the hardest thing you have to deal with on a daily basis? Her answer was simple, depending on others. Now two years in the books and she barely has to depend on anyone anymore. Yes driving is a no brainer because I don’t think she’ll do that really anytime soon, but she mostly is able to do everything on her own. She cooks, she cleans, she has hobbies, she goes out with friends, everything she did before the accident. She takes a little longer to do some things like walking takes her a little bit of time, she’s not exactly the most speedy but she does it and does it well. Her therapists have said they don’t want to see her in her wheelchair anymore! And we would all agree that is a plus! The only time that she is actually ever in it anymore is if we go somewhere where there is going to be a lot of people or she is going to be doing a lot of walking. (I.e. the state fair or the farmers market) She has made it up to the cabin a few times this summer and is going again today! And has been able to make it to many more family events, and is able to do “fun” things again. There is always going to be this uphill battle for my mom, but as time goes on the hill will get smaller, the challenges will get a little bit easier, and the struggle to regain “normal” life will no longer be a struggle. My mom is hands down the strongest woman I know, a title I always gave to my grandma, her mom, now given to her for the best of reasons. She has shown not only her kids, family, and friends what it means to work hard and strive for what you want, but also to the countless people who just know her through these posts.

We want to thank everyone for all the help we have received since my moms accident. So many things could not have been done with out the outpouring love and support from you all. My mom wants to thank everyone who has had a part in her recovery, it has been an incredibly long road but she has and continues to work incredibly hard everyday!

If you would like to see a video of my mom walking in therapy today, follow the link..

Thank you all again from the bottom of our hearts. We appreciate you more than you will ever know.


The Halverson’s

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