Jim’s Story

Site created on February 17, 2021

Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting! If you would like to contribute to our fundraiser here is the link: https://www.theweberfoundation.com/jimrudisilldonation.html the Weber Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit - so your donation is tax deductible and  EVERY penny goes directly to us.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Sarah Rudisill

About time for a long overdue update. Both Jim & Leah had Oncology appointments this week.

Leah's bloodwork is 100% normal. She is fantastic! She got through her first year of college with a 3.6 GPA. And was awarded an additional scholarship. Both Cancer For College and the Ruth Cheatham Foundation are wonderful resources for her future growth. 

Jim is doing wonderfully. His blood work is close to normal. He has a depressed immune system and gets IVIG treatments every 3 months. He stays away from people and we try to find things we can do within his bubble of safety. He has just been moved from monthly visits to every 3 months! Such a relief. He still has some Graft VS Host flare ups but he manages to get through them quickly. It will be a life long of ups and downs but we are thrilled everything is so up right now.

Elijah graduated from Appalachian State and is on his journey finding the right fit for a job to get him on the path for his future goals. Something involving travel and languages. 

I am happy work is picking up and ready to take on some new clients. I've been working on getting my physical and mental health back in line after focusing so much on everyone else.  

Sending much love and hugs to everyone!
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