Jim’s Story

Site created on November 21, 2021

Welcome to Jim's page of loving kindness. We are using it to keep family and friends' updates in one place. We appreciate your support, stories, and words of encouragement.  Please start with the 'Ways to Help' dropdown menu to join the meal train and learn more about visiting tips and ways to support. Thank you and with love! 

A few key notes: 
1) Meal train - follow the link, read special instructions (yellow button) and then pick a day and time. Sadly, we may not be able to greet you with your delivery, but are so grateful for your support.

2) Visitors, we love you!  - please text Mary/Jim to alert them of a visit  and please  arrive vaccinated and feeling well. Please, wash your hands on arrival, we wanna be mindful of Jimmy's immune system. We can't always be here and may not always be feeling well enough to visit. Please accept our apologies in advance if we miss you.

Jim Paisley: father, grandfather, husband, uncle, friend + local rock star, decorated musician, selfless volunteer, custom woodworker, and, most recently, pie-and-bread-baking phenom.
Jimbo is everything the Wood River valley exudes - an empathic family man with artistic entrepreneurship running through his veins. A 40-year staple of the community, he can frequently be seen taking jean-clad excursions through the Valley’s endless trails and perfecting his unicycle craft from Bellevue to Ketchum, all the while never too busy for a passing friendly conversation or just a flash of his sweet, simple smile. He has always typified the ideal that it’s not about the destination, but the journey.
And now, it’s time for a journey down an unfamiliar road with and for our Jimmy.
Last week, Jim was diagnosed with inoperable, multiform Level 4 GBM (an advanced and aggressive type of brain cancer) . The diagnosis was swift and the prognosis heartbreaking. To that end, our sole goal is to make him as comfortable as possible in a calm and loving environment - the type he always created for his family. In his Bellevue home that he shares with his wife, Mary, we will need full-time, professional home health, in addition to daily Twin Falls trips for treatment for 6 consecutive weeks.

We are so grateful for our community. Thank you for visiting and staying in touch. 

Please note: if a donation feels right, the preferred method is via Go Fund Me https://www.gofundme.com/f/we-love-jim-paisley (https://www.gofundme.com/f/we-love-jim-paisley,). The family will then fund the Caring Bridge maintenance and other needs. 

Here’s the meal train link: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/1d6m16

Newest Update

Journal entry by Mary Tyson

Hello everyone,

This is a quick note to update you that Jim has responded well to the radiation and chemo that he had in December. He is young, strong, and with his overall good health has been able to tolerate the three weeks of radiation concurrently with chemo, in my mind, remarkably well. What's improved is his ability to verbally and facially express quite a bit more than he could in December. We've had some great visiting time with family and the grand kids over the holidays. All in January we've had family and friend visitors and care-giving help to make each day full of life. The winter snow has been spectacular here in Bellevue. We try to get out for walks most days.

We're trying everything from physical therapy, vit. C drip, playing music, listening to lots of music, and the love of family and friends to invigorate different parts of his brain and to build back some strength, Jimmy is having some really nice weeks. I'm truly grateful for all of the love and support each of you send through your thoughts, prayers, well wishes, and food!

Every bit of visualizing that Jim's tumor is shrinking goes a long way, so please do that! Right now we are enjoying a visit from Jim's niece, Rose, and are on our way to meet Max in Boise today.

Love, Mary
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A $25 donation powers a page like Jim's for two weeks.

If you donate by May 12, your gift will be doubled, up to $10,000, thanks to a gift from Living Water Foundation.

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