Jim’s Story

Site created on April 24, 2023

Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting. Please note that we are not looking for donations - only prayers and a place to share with you all.  Donations through this page simply go to Caring Bridge's Organization. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Elizabeth Bondurant

Hello friends :) We wanted to give a quick update on dad. 
For bottom liners - he is still doing so good. Miraculously well to be honest. Keep praying!! 

For the detail people - He had another scan a few weeks ago and again it showed "no active growth!" Praise the Lord. Mom and dad got to chat with dad's radiation oncologist a few days ago who reiterated some encouraging words to them. He emphatically said that the scan shows no new active growth. He also said that means that for the moment, for this moment, dad can consider himself in a "remission" of sorts!! 

Mom was able to ask some questions, one of which was, " Is this what y'all were expecting? Are we on a typical trajectory with a glioblastoma?" He said not at all. Particularly due to dad's age, being over 70, that it is HIGHLY uncommon to still be seeing no new active growth at this stage. He even said he could not tell her why, but he was just thankful to say it at all. Mom said, "Oh we know why. It's God. And it's our people who are praying." And sure, we have no idea if God is using the clinical trial, but we do know He is the one who is working all things according to his good plan. 

So, what does this mean? It means that overall dad is feeling pretty good and able to do more than he has been in quite a while. He is helping out a little more and more each week with tasks around the "farm" (mom and dad's 40 acre place where they live.) He has energy to do normal things - like Bible Study, treatments, church, grandkids ball games, simple chores. We are just so thankful and blessed. 

For me, I think it is just hearing his voice that I keep thinking - I don't want to take this for granted. I try to call him when I get opportunities just to relish in his voice answering my call saying, "hey baby, how are you?" Ugh, the reality is that we all will die and all of our loved ones will and the only hope we will have in death is IF they know Christ, and if WE know Christ and trust in Him fully for salvation --- then we KNOW, that as he rose, so we will rise and be with him in glory for all of eternity. This means for Christians... even when separation comes (death), it will not be final and forever. But, that doesn't stop it from being hard to face and feel. We do not know when dad's time will come, or anyone else's. But God absolutely does, for he says in Hebrews 9:27 that "it is appointed for all men to die once and after that to face judgement." So like with dad, God alone determines our appointed times. The biggest question is not when, but will we be ready to face judgement? What about you? Are you ready? 

Sorry, that rant was unplanned, but let's just trust it was spirit-led. 

Finally - how you can pray! The biggest specific thing is that dad can ween of this steroid for a time. He is down to maybe like 1.5 mg of Decadron each day, but the effects of it are not pleasant. The purpose of the steroid is to control inflammation and swelling in his brain. But seeing as we don't have any at the moment, we are hopeful to get it down. It causes excessive amounts of "puffiness" which is just so unsettling and uncomfortable for dad. It also causes this weird bruising that is getting pretty ridiculous. His poor arms are eaten up with these dark spots that are simply a side effect of the medicine. So, let's all pray for less side effects and ultimately to taper it down some more! 

Thank you all! Biggest hugs and love. 

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