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Jun 02-08

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Hi! I think we've all earned a little "miracle" on this project. I write you today ELATED.

I saw Dr. Adams yesterday. It's been 19 weeks since my reconstructive surgery, or 4 & almost a half months. The PA who was in surgery with me & Dr. Adams saw me first. He said: "Wow. This looks really good." "We really don't get to do this surgery very often, or, ever really." You could tell he was stoked. Then Dr. Adams came in. Just me & him. He was absolutely thrilled with the bone growth I've had and wanted to show it to me. I have attached Dec. 5th & yesterday's X-rays. Just below & to the right of the 3D-printed titanium square cage that encapsulates the graft, you can see where the space below has filled in...and you can see the bone growth to the right...and shadows of more new bone. You might recall that last time I saw him, he said that he wouldn't expect to see bone growth until at least the 6-month mark. Well, hallelujah! Prayers & patience have been answered. I haven't smiled this BIG for myself in a LONG time. Like. I can't remember when. Still smiling-

SO- Dr. Adams was hesitant to "let me loose into the wild" in a pair of sneakers yet --which was the expectation he set with me in December. He asked me for 6-more weeks in the boot & to "keep doing what you are doing. It's working." I granted him 6-more weeks, no problem. Happy Jen would have agreed to hard labor for 6-weeks too.  I told him 2 things were in play: (1) I am like a toddler on the playground...I have this built-in feature that I inherently won't do something if I think it is going to hurt my foot; my body simply won't do it, & (2) My left knee is limiting me way more than my foot. Sad state of affairs this body...but we're in the body shop...and we are fixing it little by little while employing patience. 

SO, that's that. I'm healing Team! The light at the end of the tunnel is shining upon me. The foot looks & FEELS good. It is not nearly as swollen as this time last year. The metal plates get sore sometimes, but there is not aching or pain. This is the news I needed to get me through this final phase of healing. I am kinda excited about being written up in a medical journal at this point. It is 100% happening. I truly hope that my case will lead to helping others. My surgeon from last year who was 1 of the 2 opinions directing me to Dr. Adams has been cheering from the sidelines and so interested in my progress. I cannot commend him more for telling me that his feelings wouldn't be hurt if I moved on. I cannot respect him more...he keeps up with his practice...and often is a student of Dr. Adams' lectures.

So- I am keeping with my program. Happy to be in the pool & moving more. I have been walking the dogs in the boot b/c Steve has been out of town a bunch the last two weeks...and the timing was perfect with my readiness to do this "strolling" on level ground. The dogs are delighted with my allowing them to "sniff" so much. I have really missed walking them. My iPhone is still yelling at me for inactivity, but at least it isn't calling me a total lazy butt anymore. 

My spirits are brighter today than in a very long time. Although I have been slogging through, I will say this: My faith has been far greater than my fear. There hasn't been another outcome I could envision but to keep this foot, all of it. My bathroom mirror has a frayed, cut out quote taped to it that says: "Expect Miracles." I taped it there not too long after Will's stroke. So Team. Expect Miracles. Thank you for praying for me & my total healing. I can finally look down the barrel of this year with Hope & endless possibilities, or at least...setting & accomplishing some real stuff outside of this situation.  Blessings to you...more in  March...when hopefully, we can put a bow on this blog.

"Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!"  Psalm 32:11

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