Help Jennifer Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Jennifer’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 6 donors who have made a donation in honor of Jennifer.

A great prayer warrior once taught me to make a sacrificial offering with special prayer requests, and so I do that tonight in deep prayer over this final surgery and in anticipation of your complete restoration to health. THANKS BE TO GOD!
Lane Carpenter | Oct 24, 2018
Giovanna Sindoni | Jul 31, 2018
Jennifer, just like C.J., you are blessed with the 'Sgro Strong' to fight against cancer. You are one brave and strong woman, and I will continue to hold you and your family in my prayers.
Marlene D Miller | Jul 24, 2018
Kellye Wedding | Jul 16, 2018
Kellye Wedding | Jul 16, 2018
Thanks for keeping your supporters in the loop. Remember the power of the Holy Spirit and keep the Advocate always with you in the fight!
Amy Deeley | Jun 22, 2018
Big HUG.
Greg Stephens | Jun 22, 2018