Jennifer’s Story

Site created on February 10, 2021

Hello friends,
Early Monday morning my mom experienced a serious medical emergency causing her heart to stop. Thankfully Jorja and my dad, Gregg, were there by her side and were able to do chest compressions while waiting for the paramedics. She was resuscitated and transferred to PRMC, where she is in good hands. Doctors had her in a medically induced coma for two days, with her body in a hypothermic state, using hypothermic therapy, which is designed to preserve vital organs and their functioning. On day two, the doctors began the warming process, raising her body temperature back to normal. This was a twelve hour, gradual process. On Wednesday morning, our mom opened her eyes and was responding to our commands. She is taking baby steps every day toward her recovery and we are all so incredibly proud of her strength at this time. Our momma is SO loved by SO many people, so in an effort to keep everyone updated, we will be posting updates as time allows. Right now, being by her side, fully present, is most important. We appreciate the abundance of love, messages and prayers, as they are very much needed. Keep the prayers coming, God is so good! 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Jenna Henricks

It's been six days at home and although it is comforting for my mom to be in her own home, it has definitely been a rough go, so I am asking for continued prayers. We have lots of people in and out of the house, whether it be the nurse, the physical therapist, or the speech therapist, and it is exhausting to my momma. She passed speech therapy, so they will no longer be coming, but we will be having her work with the physical therapist on a weekly basis to build her strength.

She has unbearable chest pain from the chest compressions and consistent back pain from being in the hospital bed for so many days with no change in positioning. It hurts us to see her in so much pain and not be able to do anything to help. She is so strong, so we know she's got this!

Thank you all for the continued prayers!

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