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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

Jas & MJ hasn't added requests yet
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Heya!  Sorry the updates are slow… sort of a “no news is good news” situation. 

Mom is home… She’s been home for a week now and settling in nicely.  the social worker, and physical and occupational therapist appointments have started, and she’s feeling much better!  Yay!!

Dad had his staples removed last Friday, all 43 of them!  his doctors are very pleased with his progress, and there’s only a little bit of an issue with his shoulder which may be caused by a rotator cuff injury, hopefully not neurological… So physical therapy will be starting next week.

Dad will remain in the collar for another two months, and walking is his main method of taking care of his back and neck. Hopefully soon he’ll be up for longer walks, and could probably use some company :-)

Both mom and dad have been really appreciative of the meals that people have been providing through the meal train… I’ve extended it one more week, but after that, I think they’re going to be in pretty good shape.

We are so grateful to everybody who has brought a meal and sent well wishes, flowers, cards, as well as those who’ve added Mom and dad and our family to their prayer circles.  We’ve also received prayer shawls from Dad’s sister's’ church which was lovely.

Knowing there’s so many people in the community that care about both of my parents is a balm for my soul. As I return to a modified normal work schedule, I really appreciate all the offers of rides, help,and (again) meals!  

here’s the meal train link:  we’ve got a few gaps this week if anyone is up for it!!


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