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Jun 16-22

This Week

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Ring the Bell - Three times well -  Its toll to clearly say, - My treatment's done  - this course is run  - and I am on my way!

This journey began 919 days ago. It is far from over, but today signifies the start of a new chapter. Every day for the past two years and six months I have received some form of poison to keep the cancer away. Tomorrow, that all changes. I received my last infusion of chemotherapy today and was able to ring the bell on my way out the door. A dream 130 weeks in the making. There were hugs. There were tears. There was a renewed sense of hope. 

I know it's not over, unfortunately it may never be over. I need to adapt to a new "normal" of what my life will look like from here on out. I am not the same person who was diagnosed in September 2020, I can never be that person again, but I don't want to be either. Through this process, I have learned so much about myself, both good and bad. There were more than a handful of days I wanted to give up, probably a very real feeling most people have when fighting for their life on a daily basis.

Today, I am glad I didn't give up on treatment. Life is a very special and valuable thing, hug those close to you and let them know how much they mean to you, what their love and friendship does for you, but most importantly use what you learn to make yourself better. 

Throughout this journey I have always relayed the importance of my faith in Jesus Christ. I have been thrown just as many curve balls in life as anyone else, and yet I still will profess His name until I am called home. I don't understand what and why things happen, but I attempt to find opportunities within those disappointments or setbacks in life. I am far from perfect and screw up on the daily, disappoint people hourly, even hurt myself and others due to my choices...but all God sees in me is a child he loves. 

It's hard to see yourself as a fighter when you're in the midst of the storm, but when you take a look back at everything you went through, and you are still standing today...that's proof enough that I am glad I didn't give up because God never gave up on me. I will continue to keep everyone updated as best as possible. I will also leave my number below for anyone who would like to call/text and just catch up.

"This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  --  Joshua 1:9


Jared - 406.579.1319

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