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Jun 02-08

This Week

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Hello, everybody! This is Jake. I want to thank all of you for the prayers and support that y’all have continued to give to me and my family. I know that everything you have done has led to me taking steps in the right direction. Thank you again! I really appreciate it. Now back to dad and his great entries.

Good evening all!

Since we last updated, we have been to Columbia twice for 5 appointments.  These were all scheduled when we were discharged on August 13th, so we knew we had these upcoming.  

On September 14th we followed up with the plastics team that has been monitoring the orbital fracture on Jake’s right eye.  Our appointment was at 1:20 in the afternoon.  We got checked  in at 1:00 and were back to see Dr. Wilson by 1:05.  Awesome, let’s go.  Back in mid to late August Jake was dealing with some double vision in his right eye as a result of the fracture.  Early on, the word was surgery would be likely to fix the issue.  However, as time went on, and through therapy, the fracture was managing to heal itself to the point surgery was looking less likely.  Well, this appointment confirmed that the fracture has healed itself and surgery is not needed, officially.  Great news!

September 20th and 21st took us back to Columbia for more appointments.  Tuesday we were scheduled for an ultrasound to take a look at the artery that the central line was mistakenly put into instead of a vein.  After the ultrasound we were scheduled to meet with the vascular team that had been monitoring the miscue.  Sometimes when this happens you can find weak spots, thus being susceptible to an aneurysm or it can heal to the point there is a blockage.  Good news again, the artery has healed well and no issues to report, thus we can check that off the list.  

Lastly, we had an audiogram scheduled on Wednesday the 21st to check the hearing in Jake’s left ear.  During Jake’s fall, the doctors believed that the impact to the water had stunned his cochlea, thus blood had gotten in there, causing, at the time, some hearing deficits.  Since then, Jake had indicated those issues had subsided and he has had no problem with that ear in a few weeks.  The audiogram came back normal, confirming what Jake has been feeling. We then followed up with the ENT who read the audiogram.  This particular doctor has 28 years of experience as a military doctor as well as a number of years in the private sector.  He indicated to us, in more cases than not, that you will generally see hearing loss or balance issues in an accident like Jake’s.  

Well, I cannot explain to you why some people, if sustained the same type of fall as Jake, may have a different outcome.  An outcome that that is not as positive, one with lifelong effects that impact simple activities of daily living.  I cannot explain to you why Jake does not have any physical problems nor did he break one bone below his eyes.  His mental and cognitive abilities are largely unchanged from before multiple skull fractures and a 3 hour craniotomy.  Again, I cannot explain that.  When more than one doctor mentions God having a hand in Jake’s recovery and giving him a fresh start, it really gives you a humbling feeling.  It can be easy to count your blessings and move on down the road, however, when we see first hand in the doctors offices and at our rehab appointments those whose outcomes are not as fortunate, it makes you stop and think.  

Jake will likely be cleared to drive again this week.  He ends rehab on September 30th.  On Monday, October 3rd Jake begins work with a personal  trainer that he will meet with 5 days a week.  The goal is to get back into baseball shape and rejoin the baseball program at JCCC in January.  We meet with Jake’s advisor to pick out classes for the spring semester on October 5th.  A lot to celebrate right now.  A lot that just about 7 weeks ago seemed hundreds of miles away.  And here we are.  Pause has been pushed for one reason or another, we may never know for sure why.  But right now, I can tell you we are grateful and thankful for Jake’s recovery.  To al the doctors, nurses and therapists who had a hand in the process, for all of the thoughts and prayers sent our way, lifting us up.  We are appreciative of everyone and everything that has aided our family and Jake’s recovery.  We didn’t do this alone, we just couldn’t have.  

We are thankful for all of you.

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