Jack’s Story

Site created on August 19, 2019

We are so thankful for everyone who is praying for Jack and keeping up with him! This website provides a way to keep you updated on how he is doing and how you can specifically pray for our family. 

We know that all things are purposely planned by God and that He works everything together for the fulfillment of His good and perfect will. Our prayer is that God will be glorified in every moment of this journey.  We hope that through Jack’s situation, you will see the goodness of God and how faithful He is to us all!  We will praise Him constantly because He is worthy to be praised!

“He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭40:3‬ 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Traci Price

From the start of Jack's transplant treatment, Jack’s doctor told us that the two year mark was very significant in transplant patients.  He hasn’t personally seen relapses occur once a cancer patient makes it to two years post-transplant.  So, as you can imagine, since November 2021 we have been praying through each appointment’s lab results.  And every single time, although Jack has thrown a few scares in there (in true Jack fashion, ha!), his lab results have shown 100% donor as well as 0% cancer.  Praise God!

Currently, Jack is over two years post-transplant!  In a recent appointment, the transplant doctor told us that he is no longer worried about Jack’s cancer coming back.  He feels confident that as aggressive as Jack’s cancer was, it would have already shown itself.  He let us know that cancer is not his primary concern now.  His focus has shifted toward the affects of chemotherapy/radiation on Jack’s body.

As you can imagine, our hearts are overwhelmed.  The last 5 years have been full of concern with cancer.  So, living in a post-cancer world seems unimaginable!  Yet, here we are.  The most fitting response for us is true and utter praise to God who has brought us through this.  God has provided for us every minute of this journey.  He has given us strength to endure the hard days, joy in the middle of pain, and peace in the midst of all the unknown.  We have prayed for His will to be done above our own, but with petitions to save Jack’s life and deliver him from cancer.  And today, we can joyfully say that Jack has been given new physical life through God’s mercy!  We praise Him for what He has done for Jack and our family!  We praise Him for being with us during every hard moment.  We praise Him for allowing us to suffer.  We praise Him for providing us with all that we needed.  We praise Him for the donor, doctors, and medical staff He has used to treat Jack.  We praise Him for bringing new life to Jack.

We continue to ask for prayers for Jack.  Although we believe his cancer is gone, we pray that there are no cells hiding in his body.  We pray that the lifelong effects of his treatment are minimal.  We pray that the effects on his body will bring God more glory and will provide a way for Jack to testify to God’s goodness.  We pray that Jack’s diagnosis, treatment, and life will impact others’ eternally.  We pray for Jack’s donor and honor her sacrifice for Jack’s life.  Ultimately, we pray that God’s will continue to be done in Jack’s life as well as our family.

Thank you to the countless people who have prayed for Jack throughout the last five years.  We have been blessed by the community of believers, those we know and those we don’t know, who have faithfully prayed for our family.  

We will continue to tell of the goodness and faithfulness of God.  Although we know that God never promises to deliver us from physical suffering and pain, He has promised that we can be eternally healed.  All glory and honor go to Him!


To God be the Glory!


“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;
    I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

I will be glad and rejoice in you;
    I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.”

Psalm 9:1-2

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