Isaac ’s Story

Site created on November 17, 2023

Isaac and his family are very grateful for all the prayers and care we have received from our family, our church, and our community.
We have been asked "how we are doing" quite a bit. This is a great question, and we wanted to share our answer with everyone.
Firstly, we know that God created everything, including Isaac. Thus, He is in charge of this situation.

Secondly, we are, in faith, asking Jesus to heal Isaac's body. If He chooses to do differently, see above #1.
Lastly, we are very grateful that God's Holy Spirit has given Isaac and his family a peace that goes beyond understanding.
We, of course, sometimes forget the above truths and need to be reminded, but that is what Scripture is for.
Thank you, and please continue to pray and ask. The Bells

Newest Update

Journal entry by Isaac Bell

Praises upon praises! Isaac is doing well considering.  He does have a cold so that has added a bit to the after chemo fatigue but it is staying just a cold so far and it has been over a week. It has not progressed any more than mine so I  feel that is very good. He did get up for church Sunday, stayed for potluck & business mtg then went home and napped until time to go to High School Youth group! We encouraged him to "lay low" this week as much as possible to not add strain to his recovering body on top of the cold. 

His bloodwork today looked good! (As far as I can tell) Happy dance! Hands high in praises!! All glory to our Healer!

He did some work at Bell Design this afternoon for a couple hours and it consisted of running wires on the 2nd floor. He said he had to crawl around and alot of up and downs. So he is very tired and a little sore this evening. But Praise the Lord he is well enough to do it!

10th starts a 5 day chemo. Unless they shift it. I asked for a shift of the one day later in May as it is in conflict was some Staff training at Camp Jonah. If they truly try to accommodate our request it could shift all dates. We are winding down on chemo (yay!) and up on things he does NOT want to miss out on, so this is getting interesting. 

Thank you thank you for your prayers and hanging in here with us through this! I still have times of great struggle within, it is helpful to not only remember that God is holding us close and none of this surprises Him but also to know that you all are standing with us, praying and encouraging. Truly a comfort to not feel alone in the battle. Thank you!
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