Help Ian Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Ian’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 20 donors who have made a donation in honor of Ian.

Kerin! My prayers are with you at this difficult time. Hugs and kisses are important especially for the boys. If you need help send me a message. Much love to you all. Mike
MIke | Jun 10, 2018
Ian and Karen, my prayers and thoughts have been many for a long time as Lissa is a very good friend of mine. I think of you guys often through these tough times. If there is anything i can do please do not hesitate to reach out.
Julie Dumais-Dore | Apr 14, 2018
Praying for all of you. Love, Peter and Rosemary
Peter and Rosemary | Apr 12, 2018
This is for Kerin and Ian , I hope you get this small donation. I’m not sure that’s its to you guys. We so sorry to hear this terrible news. Our ?? hearts and prayers go out to you all. I no this this is avvery small comfort. Gid Bless you all!!
Sending All Our Love And Prayers . Greg& Maude | Apr 9, 2018
HI KERIN AND IAN< Good thoughts and prayers are coming from Cape Cod. Good Luck with the Trial, MSK is a great hospital. Kate ran the NY Marathon for MSK back in the day. Mike
Mike | Feb 7, 2018
Power on guys To quote Winston Churchill Never, Never, Never give up Xxoo Bob and Pam
Bob Stanton | Dec 15, 2017
What Cancer Cannot Do “Cancer is so limited… It cannot cripple love, It cannot shatter hope, It cannot corrode faith, It cannot destroy peace, It cannot kill friendship, It cannot suppress memories, It cannot silence courage.' LOVE you Ian & Kerin
Elizabeth S Morton | Dec 14, 2017
Keep up the good work Ian. Thoughts and prayers are always coming your way. Give your girl Kerin a hug for me.
Michael Eden | Oct 4, 2017
You are ALL doing a great job. Hang in there Easter is coming. Much Love, Mike Eden
Michael Eden | Apr 4, 2017
Glad to see that you are plugging away. Thinking of you always.
Bob and Andy Foley | Apr 4, 2017