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Jun 02-08

Week of Jun 02-08

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It’s hard to believe it’s been over a week since Henry’s surgery. We arrived home from Iowa City Monday evening and he’s doing great. He’s spent time this week watching movies with Jason, taking walks in the neighborhood (it will be 54 degrees here today), doing his exercises and learning to do things in new ways. He has a 5 pound weight restriction until after the new year which is hard for an active 15 year old. He will go back to school after Christmas break.

I want to take a moment to thank so many people and I know I will miss some but I’ll try my best. The night before we left for Iowa City a group of friends came over and covered our kitchen counter with baskets of gifts. Unbeknownst to us, our Johnston friends and community had rallied to collect letters, gifts, gift cards, snacks, all the things we could need and then some. There was a box of cards and letters for Jason and I to open once he went into surgery—cue the tears. It helped pass the time as we had breakfast and read through them that morning. There was a box to open of handwritten letters from Henry’s friends and classmates with words of encouragement for after the surgery. This was an amazing gift and one we won’t forget. People have surrounded us with so much support. From meals, to visits, to messages, to gift cards, to texts that seem to come at just the moment we need them. Huge thanks to Jason’s brother, Greg, for stepping in to watch the girls last week and his sister and brother in law, Mia and Bill, for letting us stay with them. Big thanks to the Koenigs family for watching LuLu for 2 nights while the girls were with us. Thank you to his teachers who have been phenomenal since we learned of this journey. We have definitely felt the love and we are grateful!

Henry has an appointment next week with the cardiologist and then the cardiothoracic surgeon in Iowa City at the end of the month. It’s starting to feel like this is in the rearview mirror and we are so glad to enjoy the holidays and be moving into 2024 with good health!

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