Harvey’s Story

Site created on September 13, 2023

Welcome to the space where we will be sharing updates on our sweet Harvey's journey. Hoping this will keep updates simpler for friends and family to follow along. We appreciate everyone's love, support and prayers. Thanks for following along! 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Kaisa McNamara

Time always seems to get away from us and updates are becoming far and few between. 
Sorry, all! I’ll warn you, this one may be lengthy. 
Today we went down to Salt Lake City for a follow up after surgery. They removed Harvey’s casts… for good! Harvey was fitted for the Ponseti boots and bar. Before we get further into today’s visit, let’s do a quick recap on our month. 
MARCH 04-09: The first night after surgery was ROUGH! We stayed in Salt Lake that night as a precaution after his last anesthesia— we didn’t want to be halfway home, in the middle of nowhere, and have Harvey stop breathing on us again. Harvey only had one incident, a few hours after surgery, that he went blue. Other than that, it was just lack of sleep that we all suffered from. Harvey was pretty uncomfortable for about 4 days. After these 4 days, he was pretty much back to his normal self. 
We celebrated his cousin Afton’s 4th birthday! 
Harvey has started rolling from back to belly, completely on his own! I think he likes to see the world from a new perspective. 😜
MARCH 10-16: We celebrated Grandpa’s 63rd birthday. 
Harvey attempted holding his bottle on his own. He thought it was pretty cool until he couldn’t figure out how to get it back to his mouth. 
We also had him try to sit in his high chair. He didn’t last longer than 5 minutes, but it was fun to see him sit up for a small amount of time. 
We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by going downtown to listen to the local firemen play the bagpipes and drums (one of our favorite things to do)! 
MARCH 17-23: Harvey attended Disney on Ice with big sister, Mom, Dad, Grandma, cousins, aunts and uncles. WOW! That was SO MUCH FUN. Big sister LOVED it. Harvey enjoyed the color changing lights above and then fell asleep for the last half. 
We celebrated Uncle Taysen’s 21st birthday that weekend. 
MARCH 24-TODAY: Harvey has 2 bottom teeth trying to pop through! Besides his new teeth, not much happened before Harvey’s appointment  in Salt Lake. 

Ok, back to the appointment…
Harvey was fitted for the Ponseti brace (boots and bar). After being in the casts for so long, his toes, ankles, feet and knees are extremely tender and sensitive. Putting the braces on was really hard on my mom heart listening to him scream for hours on end. Literally. This was one of the longest appointments we had. 
On top of being fitted for the Ponseti brace, he was fitted for AFOs (ankle foot orthotics) and KAFOs (knee ankle foot orthotics). So many people touching his little, sensitive feet. 
Harvey will be in the Ponseti brace for at least the next 2 months. He will wear it for 23hours a day, with 1 hour to have a break (usually used for bath time). 
The hope is, after 2 months, he will be able to wear his “custom” AFOs/KAFOs during the day and the Ponseti brace at night time. This will give him the opportunity to build strength in his legs. 
Doctor was very pleased with how he looks after the surgery. No concerns. 
Now… to get used to wearing the new contraption. 😖

As always, we appreciate every prayer as we continue this journey. 

Hopefully, we can do an update sooner, next time. 

P.S. more photos to see (from today’s visit) in the “gallery” tab. 

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