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Jun 02-08

This Week

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The following is from Heather's Facebook post from last night (2.24.21). We are so proud of her strength, faith and the love she has for all of us, including those reading this post. She will need all of us to help her get through these next couple months in Seattle. Thank you all for your loving words and encouraging posts, this last month has been tough and hearing from all of you makes the journey a little easier.

From Heather's Post.....

'Though she be but little she is fierce' . - William Shakespeare

A few friends have given me signs that have this saying on it and I love it. It reminds me that I need to be fierce and strong.

It's been a while since I have posted and A LOT has happened since then. However, I'm just going to tell you the plan going forward and why.

In the end of January, scans showed that the cancer in my body was growing on my liver and lungs, and the spot on my collar bone had grown a lot as well. My arsenal of chemo was quickly getting smaller. So the clinical trial in Seattle that Matt found was brought up again. In my mind, Seattle was for down the raod when it was getting to the point that we only had a few options left. Dr. Leach hadn't talked to Seattle yet and asked me if I wanted to be away from my family if my time may be limited. It was that day, I realized, the day I had feared most. Dr. Leach had never brought up anything about time before. I was completely heartbroken. All I could imagine was my family growing up without me and everyting I would miss out on. Seattle and Dr. Leach were playing phone tag so I started a chemo in the meantime to try to slow down the growth. After abtout a week, after consulting with SEattle about the trial, Dr. Leach recommended I go to Seattle because he was happy with the results he heard. So, Matt and I will leave for Seattle on March 7th for two months IF my brian MRI comes back ok. We need lots and lots of prayers that my brain lesion has either stayed the same or gotten smaller. If it has grown, I have to have brain radiation first and won't be able to start the clinical trial for five weeks after I finish brain radiation. Speaking of radiation, I started radiation on my collar bone on Wednesday and will have it for five days to hopefully shrink the clementine size tumor.

Many people are wondering why I have to be out in Seattle for two months. Here is my schedule for the CAR-T therapy clinical trial:

March 8th - starts 1.5 weeks of appointments and tests

March 17th - collection of my T-cells

March 18th - 2.5 weeks of reprogramming and re-engineering my T-cells to attack my cancer cells

April 1st - 3rd - chemo to get my body ready for the transfusion

April 6th - put the new programmed T-cells back in my body

April 6th - May 6th - Daily monitoring and PET scans to see the results from the trail

May 7th - hopefully home to Minnesota and my kids, family and friends

Some days I'm so sad that I can barely get out of bed because I'm so sad, but then I remember I'm a Child of God and He has a plan for me.  He reminds me of this through His miracles and light through others.

So, it's been a very hard month, however, God has beend oing his own engineering this months too. Here are some ways he has shown me that even in my darkest days he is there, right beside me:

God's Light in My Lift Through Family and Friends:

 - Matt's Love for me and his selfishness (as he says), that he will never let me go

- Heather's Rally Walk (on a cold Minnesota night, put on by my support system)

- Eric and Betsy staying with us and having time with them

- Meal Train

- Daily gifts with loely cards of love on my porch each day

 - CRE (Clover Ridge Elementary) shirt quilt

- Sister's Weekend

- Lunch and Coffee with friends

- People reaching out to support me

- Finding a 2 bedroom apartment in Seattle through a friend

- My unbelievable friends having my Healing Touch therapist/friend flown in from Chicago to work on me for two days (wow!)

- Be the Light clothing fundraiser

- Timing of radiation working out

The Lord has been working through people to show me He is always with us. I have the most amazing family and friends in the World. I am so blessed and stronger than I think.

Thank you so much for your love and support. Please pray that my brain MRI shows no growth.

Be True to Yourself and the Light to Others,



Please were asking for the Be The Light shirts, here is the website:





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