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Jun 02-08

This Week

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Hi to all Friends and Family! 

It has been a few weeks since I was able to post on here and give an update on Dad's condition, and what we have been working on this last month. As many of you know, Dad had fallen and cracked his skull on the very back of his head and had some minor bleeding. A couple of weeks ago (2-3) he followed up with neurology, and his head is healing nicely and so now there is no further surgery or intervention needed. A piece of great news! So we have shifted our focus to his eyes. Dad has been struggling with blurred vision since late last summer, and between the stroke and the head injury, we were worried that the blurred vision was accelerating a bit. He was referred by the eye doctor to a specialist, and we have discovered that he has spots behind his eyes, presumably because of the underlying health conditions + the stroke. He is now receiving medicinal injections in his eyes every 6-8 weeks (less painful than it sounds is what he tells me) and will be taking these injections all the way until next year. It will then continue but at a lesser rate of every 6 months instead. These last 2 months, he has been able (way overdue actually) to shift his focus from work + bills to taking the time to really rest, heal, and focus on overall health and well being in his body. I am believing in Faith for a full recovery from the stroke and the head inury and truly praying for the MOST boring year for dad, health wise. I wanted to say thank you so much to all who have checked in on my parents, prayed for us, prayed for healing, and donated your funds. To be able to say we came out relatively unscathed from a very serious injury (coupled with a stroke not even 9 months ago) is a miracle. I am so grateful to the Lord lately, who I believe turns all things around for the good of those who love him. If you know my parents, you know they have honored Jesus with their lives and their generosity to others all their lives. On top of spreading the gospel everywhere they go. I believe the Lord has seen them and cherishes them in his heart (as he does us all) and that his heart is over my parents. I believe firmly that he has hovered over them in protection this last year. I want to say a humble and true thank you to all those that have given financially. You have given my dad peace in his mind (as providing for his family is such a passion and calling for him) and for him to be able to really take this time to rest has been such a relief for all of us, and has truly proven the Lord's provision to Dad. He has repeatedly told me how blessed he is by all of you, and how grateful he is and mom has been overwhelmed. (you can all expect thank you cards eventually as well) Thank you so much to you all. Jesus be with you in every breath and every day we spend on this earth. We love you. 

Mercedes Resch 

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