Hana’s Story

Site created on April 5, 2021

Hi everyone.  As you probably already know, Hana left this world on May 10, 2022.  She will be dearly missed by so many of us.
We'll share updates from the family as we can.
For anyone who wants to help the family, you can do two things:
1. Go to "Ways to Help" on this page and join the Meal Train.
2. Give money to help Brandon and the boys during their time of transition to life without Hana.  A fund has been set up at First Presbyterian Church, Greeneville. You can take money by the church office, give to one of the pastors or another trusted church member, or give online at: https://www.firstpresgreeneville.org/give and put "Allen Family" in the memo line.

Thank you all for your love, prayers, and support.

Here is what Hana wrote when this page was started:

Hi! I am Hana Allen, and I am a Breast Cancer Survivor. Fun Fact: You are considered a survivor the day you are diagnosed. I am a wife and mother to three beautiful boys, Erikson, Henrik and Thorsen. While we always knew there was a risk I would one day get breast cancer, we never imagined it would be a couple months before my 32nd birthday. It started out with me finding another new lump. I just had a hysterectomy, leaving only my ovaries, and I noticed a new lump that wasn’t too big. I could tell it was there though since it was closer to the surface. I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it because the small lump I found about a year prior was nothing but benign. Biological family history already put me at a higher risk than the average woman, but having genetic mutations generated an even higher risk. Still... we did not think this would be happening. My doctor and I had joked around in the past about breast size in preventative surgery. But it was something I was considering either way because of the risk. Whelp... now what was going to be preventative surgery is going to be life saving surgery. My OBGYN agreed that I could go ahead and keep my March 30, 2021 appointment with the breast center instead of waiting until May. Goodness gracious, aren’t we glad I didn’t wait!?!? Even Dr. Hallman was just in as much shock as I was. My breast MRI November 2020 was clear. It did not show any signs of cancer. After my ultrasound on March 30, my radiologist wanted to do biopsies asap. It was preformed two days after my ultrasound. Four days later, Monday, April 5, 2021, I found out I have invasive ducal carcinoma from breast biopsies and my lymph node biopsy is metastatic carcinoma consistent with primary breast diagnosis. I know my cancer is positive for HER2, estrogen, and progesterone. That does help when it comes to treatment. It is a moderately aggressive type of breast cancer, and since there is lymph node involvement we currently do not know the extent of it all. I just know I am going to fight this fight, with support from others too.

I plan on continuing my education at Tusculum University as an education major. I am not going to stop just because of something in me. I wouldn’t stop being a mom, wife, daughter, sister, Aunt, friend, etc. just because I have breast cancer, so I am not going to give up on anything. Someone’s gotta show this cancer who’s boss after all!

Newest Update

Journal entry by Aaron Caton

Hi all... Aaron here.

For anyone who wasn't already aware, Hana left this world the evening of May 10th.  She leaves behind her loving husband Brandon and three young boys.  Certainly remember the family in your prayers.

If you would like to help the family, you can go to "ways to help" on this page and go to Meal Train to help Brandon and the boys and they adjust to a very different life without their beloved Hana.

Will post more updates as we can.

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