Greg’s Story

Site created on April 14, 2023

Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Linda Henning

Hi, everyone! Just a few updates for you. The results of Greg's heart biopsy showed no inflamation or presence of eosinophil cells. The doctor surmised that there were never any of those cells present or if there were they were killed by chemo. There still is no evidence of what exactly caused his heart function to be reduced. The cardiologist though is hopeful that the drugs Greg is now on will improve the function of his heart. Meanwhile, Greg began the next week of chemo today. He saw the oncologist who was happy with the way things are going, but still hopes to get to a bone marrow transplant sooner rather than later. He wants to do another echocardiogram to see what his ejection rate is so far. The oncologist has put him on a five week cycle for chemo to give his immunity a little longer to bounce back between cycles. Thank you for your support.
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