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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Day 823

This will be our final entry on this Caring Bridge account. Where do we begin?

If there was one passage of Scripture that has sustained us throughout this process it would be Isaiah 41:10, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  

God has has been our refuge and strength.  He has strengthened us and upheld us. 

On September 1st, Grace had her final chemotherapy treatment. This was the first big milestone in completing her journey with cancer and we shared an update two months ago. Then,  on October 6th she had her final oral chemotherapy which represented the end of cancer drugs and the beginning of her body fully recovering post-medication.  Finally,  on Thursday, October 28th, she had her last appointment with the Riley team for her leukemia protocol and rang the bell, symbolizing the end of treatment.  She was also given a  gold medal, a certificate, and a lot of encouragement from her medical staff, and a mom and dad that had smiles from ear to ear.  The 823 day saga of cancer has come to a close.  

We spent the day on Friday reflecting on the journey  and compiling pictures. On Saturday we started to create a memory video and on  Sunday morning, I (Jon) previewed the video one final time and then drove to church.  During the worship set I completely lost it and was overwhelmed by emotion.  I  dropped to my knees giving God praise for all he has done. The gratitude and thanksgiving I feel toward God is overwhelming.  We recognize that for many parents, this journey ends quite differently and our gratitude is enormous.  We are so very grateful.

We also want to thank each of you for joining us on this long journey. You have prayed for us, written encouraging notes, called, cried, and celebrated with us during this process.  You have been faithful to lift us up and your prayers have carried us through.  You have blessed us in so many ways and we will never know how many tens-of-thousands of prayers have been offered up to our daughter.

Today I had lunch with a partner in ministry and he told me, "Jon, our ministry team has prayed for Grace every week since she was first diagnosed".  His comments blew me away. I had no idea they were praying so faithfully for her healing.  In sitting down to write this final post, we wondered how we could possibly pack 823 days into a final entry.  It's impossible. So we created a video for you to watch (see link at end).  It is a testimony to God's faithfulness.  We love you all and from the bottom of our hearts we say "thank you!" 

A personal testimony from Katie...

If I could share one testimony from this entire journey it is wrapped up in one simple phrase, "God is faithful".  He showed his faithfulness to our family in the valley of cancer and our faith is strengthened! I love this Scripture that the Lord showed me this morning. 

"Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.  As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rain also cover it with pools.  They go from strength to strength till each appears before God in Zion" Psalm 84:5-7.

It is a mystery how God can use something like this to bring us richer faith, deeper trust, joy, and gratitude.  What I knew from day one is that what the enemy meant for evil, God would turn for good.   I believe he has. Does this mean we are without struggle? No. 

Grace asked the other day, "If I'm done then why do I need to keep going back for blood work every month?"  Well, the full answer I prefer not to tell her.  So I say, "Just to make sure your blood is doing all the right things".   Grace is also having some learning challenges from the effects of chemo and missing school and we are navigating those.  Am I completely free from worry passing through my mind?  No.  When she complains of aches or fatigue or she's looking pale as her summer tan fades, it's difficult not to wonder if all is ok.   But, I will continue to lay these fears at the feet of Jesus and trust him to her.  I know from experience that whatever valleys lie ahead for me or for any of us, they will not be walked alone and I can trust that God will be faithful once again!   Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts for being the hands and feet of Jesus to us and for praying for our sweet Grace. 

If you want to watch the video summary of our journey (turn up volume for audio), you can CLICK HERE. 

Jon and Katie 

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