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Jun 16-22

This Week

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SUNDAY REPORT: Yesterday was a hard hard day. Period. With that said, Dad's intestinal track finally woke up last night which made for a restful night and his first really good sleep since surgery! Dad is facing the realities of a totally new life-change. His pace, his diet and his everyday life is forever changed.  I can't help but think of that hymn, "No turning back, no turning back"!

Pray for Dad to have the desire to eat again. He is on a diabetic/cancer/gastro diet which basically means....there's not much he can eat or can enjoy eating. If you know my Dad, though he be skinny, the man LOVES FOOD! Man, I wish I had his metabolism!!! ;)

Pray for the pathology report to come back CLEAN! 

Pray for my Mom as she tends to his care beginning tomorrow. They cannot wait to be together!!! 

Praise: Hopefully, if all goes well, he will be discharged to outpatient tomorrow and will remain in Houston for another week of care and observation. Can I get an AMEN!?!?! :) 

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