Georgene’s Story

Site created on February 28, 2018

Hi. This is Becca and Erica, Georgene's daughters.  Anyone who is here knows our mom, and knows she is a fighter, and also knows this is incredibly emotional for her, so we are creating this site for her. Here we can share her journey  with everyone. 

Georgene was diagnosed with Ureteral Cancer in January 2018. She has been through testing and is under the care of amazing doctors at Park Nicollet, in her home town of St Louis Park, MN. Luckily, she caught the cancer early and it has not spread. (THANK GOD).  To remove the cancer, she will need to go through 4 rounds of chemo therapy over 12 weeks, beginning early March 2018. After that time, she will need to have her kidney removed - once she regains her strength after chemo. 

She is surrounded with love and prayers, and we all ask that you continue to send her your happy, healthy, healing thoughts. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Rebecca Dye

It's Becca again :) Been a while now since we updated everyone!
I just spent a week in Minnesota with our patient, went with her for a few IVs and - what we thought would be a chemo treatment. It was great for us both to be together for a week. :)

Overall, George is doing quite well, all things considered. Her doctors are giving her IVs every-other-day or so with all kinds of great electrolytes - those have been keeping her feeling mostly good. If she goes two days without that IV, she gets tired, dizzy and nauseous. She has finished 1.5 rounds of chemo (so 3 chemo treatments) and is holding up pretty well - she is one tough lady! This week she was supposed to go in for her 2nd treatment of her 2nd round (so her 4th chemo treatment overall) - but her labs came back a little wonky and she has to take a week off. Long story short - there is a way to measure her immune function and it was too low for her to handle the chemo this week. The nurse told her that it happens all the time, and it is actually a good sign - the chemo is designed to kill those cells (unfortunately both the good and the bad cells) - and it is killing them all right! Perhaps just a little too well.... She will go back in this coming Thursday (April 5) to see if her immune system has sprung back up and is able to handle chemo. From there, they will decide the treatment plan moving forward. 

Of all setbacks to get, this one is minor, but she is still a bit disappointed (understandably so). She just wants to get it over with and move on, and a week delay is frustrating. 

She can't go out in public for a week or so since her immune system is so low... so be sure to call, text, or visit. I am leaving tonight and she just had a buddy 24/7 - so I know she will appreciate all of your love and hugs. :) Also, she needs a distraction from CNN and MSNBC, hehehe ;)

Her tastes have changed, our self proclaimed "meat-a-holic" can't stomach the thought of a piece of meat, but instead is getting her protein through chili, Chipotle tacos, or a (much protested) smoothie. If anyone has great ideas for how to get their 72 year old stubborn as an Ox mother to drink a protein shake, please let me know ;) 

Otherwise, mama is hanging tough. She is a fighter for sure. She is definitely more tired than usual, but the anti-nausea drugs and IV's are working quite well, keeping her spirits up. Cancer care sure has come a long way since her mom fought ovarian cancer back in 1979!

She treated herself to a new couch that has a motor to recline, and she will be much more comfortable at home while she is resting up. She also upgraded her phone so she has room for pics of her grandbaby and more processing power for Cookie Jam :)

We put all her cards up on display so she is constantly reminded of just how much love she has in her life and how many people are out there sending her loving, healing thoughts. Keep 'em all coming!

Thanks to our tribe for the continual love and support - she is almost half way through the chemo! We planned her "I kicked the sh!t out of cancer" party while I was here, she sure has the spirit needed to kick this thing!

All our love,
Becca, Erica & Georgene
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