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Jun 02-08

This Week

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A lot has happened since my last update- Tammy and I had an amazing trip to the Alpine Christmas Markets in December, making it back in plenty of time to enjoy a wonderful Christmas with the whole family at our home! We were blessed in early February with the birth of our 4th grandchild, a beautiful baby girl from our son and daughter-in-law!  Thankfully all of our children live close, so our days are filled with the joy and love of our beautiful extended family!  We get to see the grandkids often, and on days we don’t physically see them we are only a “face-time” away!  

I received my latest scans in February, and the results revealed no evidence of active cancer!  It was quite thrilling to hear, although I am well aware that remission is not the same as cure and will always remain cognizant of the possibility of relapse. The cancer I was diagnosed with, parotid salivary ductal carcinoma, is very rare.  The ductal carcinoma accounts for only about 1% of all parotid salivary cancers, which are themselves quite uncommon. From reading the literature, I calculated that my type of cancer has a prevalence of only about 1 or 2 per ten million!!  There are no known risk factors or causative agents, it’s apparently just the luck of the draw (or lack thereof!). Because of the rarity of parotid salivary ductal carcinoma, there has been very little research on it, so treatment modalities are few.  Thankfully, I had the good fortune of having an amazing team of surgeons, oncologists and radiation oncologists to whom I owe my current state of remission.  When I was first diagnosed, I read everything I could find about my cancer.  I was quite dismayed and discouraged to read that most patients survived only about 3 or 4 years after diagnosis.  I have now made the 3 ½ year mark, and have no reason to believe I won’t make 4 and beyond! What initially seemed like an unattainable pipe dream, my 5 year survival looks quite probable!  From what I have read, recurrence and/or metastases are rare after 5 years- so I have my fingers crossed!!  In the mean time, I am continuing my immunotherapy infusions and other medications as recommended by my oncologist.

We were devastated to hear that my sister-in-law was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  She has had surgery and is currently finishing up her course of chemotherapy and doing pretty well. My brother and she prefer to keep a more private profile, but please keep her in your prayers and, of course, I welcome all the prayers and well-wishes from all of you.  I continue to be amazed at the amount of love and support I receive from such an amazing group of family, friends and acquaintances!  

Here is wishing for a 2024 filled with good health, love and peace for all!





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