Gena’s Story

Site created on June 19, 2018

in December of 2017, I found a lump in my right breast, it was small, only 1cm x 3cm. I went to a doctor and was told it was nothing, just stop drinking caffeine and stop wearing underwire bras and it would go away, well for those of you who know me Im not great at following orders. It continued to grow but I was still drinking caffeine and wearing my bras so of course it was going to grow! But on May 27th, we were on a mini family vacation in Fraiser CO and my daughter noticed my nipple was “looking weird” so when we got back in town I talked to a couple people at work who told me it was time to go back. I had my mammogram and biopsy on that Thursday and on Friday i was diagnosed with Breast cancer... WHOA! What not me! Im too young! My kids are to young! My life is just getting back to “normal”!! But this is now my new normal! Im 37 yrs old with Stage 3 T4 Breast cancer! And I’m going to kick its ass!!! My support system is HUGE!! And ive never been one to take things lying down and Im not starting now!! Thank you for all of your love and support and prayers through all of this! 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Gena Gilas

Its Tuesday June 19th, and I’m sitting in the minor procedure office at Franklin Kaiser with my has been rough, Ive been saying how none of this feels real since finding out just 2 weeks ago, but today the port which is the way I’m getting my chemo is freaking me out. The nurses are saying its a simple procedure I shouldnt have any pain so Im hopeful thats the case. I had a super sweet nurse who came to tell me her moms story and told me that her doctors told her that shed be pretty sick with the chemo, but sje really didn’t have any side effects at all, so hopefully that will be my story too!

The procedure starts at 3:10, will be done by 4:00, then hanging out until 5:00 to make sure its okay. Then its time to eat! Lol I haven’t eaten since Melting pot last night and I’m starving!! Craving PF CHangs, so thats the plan! 
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