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Jun 16-22

This Week

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Hello all,
Unbelievably, its now been a month since my surgery. It's been quite a ride to say the least. From lying in my hospital bed thinking I may never be able to get out of it to driving myself yesterday for a mani/pedi! My first expedition out on my own. A big milestone! 

I'm feeling pretty well for the most part. Not exactly doing flips yet, but I feel stronger and stronger every day. Still some neuropathy, but hopefully that will dissipate soon. 

I mostly want to express my undying gratitude to each and everyone one of you. The love and support you've shown me has been amazing. Harris and I have so enjoyed the incredible meals you've brought or sent us. The flowers I've received have been so beautiful. The cards and calls and visits have sustained me in a very real way. Not to mention all the love shown here and on Facebook. You all are the most wonderful friends and family and I'll never forget how you've held me up during this time. 

I must give a very special thanks to the woman who made my transplant possible. Amy Gates from Roswell did an unbelievably unselfish thing by donating her kidney on my behalf to the national kidney exchange. She was formerly married to a man who received a lung transplant and she said this was her way of "paying it forward".  Thank you is entirely inadequate, but I'll say it a million times. 

Another huge thank you goes to the anonymous donor whose kidney I now have. They must have had a similar motivation to donate to the exchange. I hope I'll have the chance to find out who it is so I can thank them in person. I'll be writing a letter to them which will be sent on my behalf by the Transplant Center to the donor, but it will be up to them to decide if they wish to contact me. 

I also want to thank my excellent surgeon, Dr. Clark Kensinger, as well as all the other doctors, nurses and staff at Piedmont. I was very well taken care of while I was there and continue to be by the docs I see routinely at the Transplant Clinic. 

And, last but not least, I must thank my incredibly supportive husband Harris. I simply cannot fathom how I could have gotten through all this without him by my side. He has been there every step of the way. Holding my hand, helping me walk, serving all our meals, carrying everything for me, picking up anything I may have dropped, rubbing my back and feet, driving me everywhere including back to the hospital twice a week for labs and clinic visits, and so much more! I'm a very lucky girl!

Well, so long for now dear friends and family. I hope I'll see you all in the flesh sometime soon. And, once again, thank you so very, very much! I love you all. ❤️

Lots of love,
Gail Morgan 

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