Gabi’s Story

Site created on October 10, 2019

Welcome to my Caringbridge site.  I have visited several sites before but never thought I would be creating one to keep family and friends up to date.  Here's my story:  

December 2018: I started to have intermittent knee pain in my right leg. My first thought was I must have twisted my leg wrong while getting out of my car during the Minnesota Polar Vortex winter. The pain would last for about a week and then disappear for 3-4 weeks. As a Registered Nurse I work long hours bending down and lifting patients so I wasn't initially concerned about the pain.

June 2019: The intermittent knee pain started to increase in frequency and intensity.  The pain decreased when I would walk around but would increase  when I was sitting, lying down and going downstairs. 

September 12, 2019: I went to a primary care provider about the knee pain and x-rays were ordered.  After my x-rays came back my doctor called and insisted on additional imaging as they suspected Osteosarcoma...BONE CANCER! I underwent 2 MRI's and 2 biopsies to confirm the diagnosis and then received the call that would forever change my have CANCER!  Initially the orthopedic physician thought I had Osteosarcoma (textbook case might I add) but my biopsies came back positive for Lymphoma. To officially diagnose Lymphoma I underwent a PET scan and it was confirmed Lymphoma.  I was then referred from orthopedics to hematology.   

October 8, 2019: I had my first appointment with Hematology to discuss the type/stage of the cancer and the treatment plan. The official diagnosis: Follicular Lymphoma which is the most common form of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  I have two tumors in my right leg one of which is about 8cm (the size of a peach) right above my knee cap and I have two small tumors in my left leg.  No lymph node involvement so that is great news!  Follicular Lymphoma is highly treatable with IV Chemotherapy which I will start very soon.  The treatment will include 6 cycles of chemo every 4 weeks.  I should be done with treatments in March 2020. 

My doctors are extremely optimistic and I'm quite confident that I will beat this cancer! I guess lime green is my new favorite color!  I have created this site to keep family and friends updated in one place.  I have a great care team and a great village to help me.  I'd appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement.  

Thank you for visiting and love to you all!



Newest Update

Journal entry by Sharon Rossi

It's time to celebrate!  Gabi completed her final round of chemotherapy this morning and is officially done with her cancer treatment.  Round 6 started yesterday with her normal blood tests and meeting with Dr. Paludo.  Her lab results were on point and they ordered her final round of chemotherapy.  It was great to hear the words "final round" and watch Gabi's reaction - priceless.  The oncology staff on Gonda 10 have been like family to us ... they rallied together to get Gabi's last treatment started as they were a bit backed up yesterday and we once again closed down the place and left at 6:30 p.m.  Gabi finished the entire 6th round this morning and then they presented her with her graduation pin "Celebrate Life!"  Even Dr. Paludo told Gabi to enjoy life now!  Gabi has not had any pain in her knee since she received her first round of chemo back in October of 2019 - amazing!
A lot has changed since we first heard the words "you have cancer and you will have 6 months of chemotherapy" back in September of 2019.  We both calculated the time in our heads and couldn't imagine at first what March of 2020 would bring.  Gabi had just bought a house and we talked about all of the leaves on the ground and how there would be signs of spring when it was all over.  Gabi's zest for life and her infectious smile never wavered during her cancer treatment.  She always expressed more concern about others than herself.  

Today we celebrate --- a little bit differently with virtual hugs, shout outs, FaceTime, and other actions.  We could not have done this without family, friends and faith.  There have been so many visitors to the chemo appointments (sorry to Gonda 10 for extending the number of visitors several times - Gabi is popular), meals brought over, snow shoveled, check ins, the pre appointment rides in September for biopsies, and more.  Please know that they are very much appreciated and Gabi is trying to figure out how to thank everyone! 

Gabi finally graduated chemotherapy and after the final treatment she received a celebrate life pin! Also downloaded a bell app since they don’t have a bell in’s the thought that counts!

Hug those you hold dear to you tighter, tell them you love them and keep everyone in your prayers.  Much love to each and everyone of you.

Sharon and Gabi
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