Help Eric Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Eric’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 13 donors who have made a donation in honor of Eric.

What a beautiful family! Life is always too short but God must have had a special mission for him to move on to.
Craig Lewis | Apr 15, 2018
Megan, I am so sorry to hear about Eric. He was so sweet, and his smile lit up the room! I am praying for you and Riley. Your grace and strength in such a difficult time has been a true inspiration of your faith in our Lord.
Kathy Drew | Apr 15, 2018
So sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you.
Charlene Cobb-Jobe | Apr 11, 2018
So sorry for the loss of Eric, may he be eternally blessed beside our Father in Heaven. He will be missed by you, your family, friends and his distant game family such as us. We pray for your comfort and security during this time.
Love, Dalton & Victoria Hicks | Apr 11, 2018
Sending love and prayers
Willa Goodman | Apr 10, 2018
Sending healing thoughts and warm wishes to Eric and his family.
Lynn Jackson | Apr 10, 2018
You are a fighter! Praying for you and your family.
Nicole & Chris Daft | Apr 10, 2018
Get better eric we are praying for you
MIchael Weitz (Opendoor) | Apr 9, 2018
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Eric. Your a fighter and we know you will come out on top. Love you and your family, keep fighting!
Heather Baribault | Apr 9, 2018
Praying for you all!
Joan And Jim (Amanda Zuniga’s Parents) | Apr 9, 2018