Emily’s Story

Site created on February 27, 2021

Welcome to my CaringBridge website! This is where I will be updating everyone on my journey through my fight with colon cancer. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Emily Sinke

It's been a while since I've updated! I wanted to wait for this final post until after I'd completed my genetics scan and counseling, which as of today, is officially over. For a quick recap of how the last month went:

I had my official final round of chemotherapy on December 6th, 2021. I rang the bell 12 times, one for each round completed, and I think that was one of the most liberating experiences of my entire life. My body has gone into recovery since then, with my neuropathy pretty much all gone (cold drinks are AMAZING) and the weakness leaving me each day. I'm working on my stamina and strength right now, as well as taking all the supplements to encourage the continued healing of my liver and bringing back my immune system. The liver is a work in progress and Dr. Curley has been keeping watch on my blood tests to make sure things are okay. 

For the genetics scan, they checked the Germline, which are the genetic markers that are passed from parent to offspring, meaning hereditary. They checked for everything - colon, breast, ovarian, lung, etc., etc. I met with the RN this morning through an online visit so she could explain things to me. Across the board, I am 100% negative. Nothing. Zip. Nada. I'm even below average for certain ones like breast cancer. The RN summed up my colon cancer as "a case of bad juju". She did make sure to make it clear that anyone can get cancer, especially nowadays with all our processed foods and toxins everywhere, but for me and my family, we're safe. I'll continue with my checkups and regular screenings, of course, but the worry that's been in the back of my mind for almost a year now is finally gone. 

Thank you, everyone, so so so much for all of your support, encouragement, kind words, and prayers during this journey. I don't think this last year would have gone as well without it. It feels weird to be done when this was such a big thing and it took up literally every day, but it feels good, too. 

I'm excited for 2022. I'm excited for the new life ahead of me. I'm done! 😁 
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