Emily’s Story

Site created on August 28, 2023

Hey friends & fam! Starting a caring bridge page for Emily and her family to keep updates in one spot. Please share with friends and family to keep up to date on Emily’s treatment & ways to help the Baker’s.  Xoxo

Newest Update

Journal entry by Courtney Davisson

Last week Emily finished her 4th round of chemo! Her last round of the first set of drugs and next week she will start taxol which comes with a different worry of side effects. 

But first- she’s halfway there! On behalf of the Baker’s- they cannot thank everyone enough for all of the love and care you’ve provided their family over the last few months. From everyone who has filled their home with homemade meals, spent time with their human kiddos and their doggy kiddo, offered random small tasks, the family that has stayed with them to make sure the day to day runs smoothly, the friends that have come to visit, the porch hangs and everything in between, they’re very thankful. I told Emily she wasn’t allowed to write thank you cards to every single person so just know they’re grateful 😊

The next 4 rounds of chemo will be a drug called taxol. The main side effects of this drug are bone pain and neuropathy. The first 4 rounds of chemo came with a pretty intense side effect of fatigue and nausea. I think what’s intimidating going into this round next week is not knowing how her body will react. The past 4 rounds we had symptoms figured out and planned accordingly so this 5th round will be a bit more difficult and time will tell! 

Not many more updates which is how we prefer it. Speaking as one of Emily’s friends- it’s been pretty amazing to see her community come together and take care of her and her family. Every single day at least 5 people ask me how Emily is. And I’m not kidding it’s usually more than that! She’s on prayer lists across the country! My response is usually something along the lines of- ‘she’s killing it, she actually sleeps when she needs to, she’s still working a bit, she’s rocking the wig game, and still laughing.’ And I really don’t think we could ask for a better way to answer that question. Of course, they days that are hard are really hard, but from the outside looking in she has really found a way to embrace the days that she feels good and that takes strength. I think it’d be pretty easy to just give in and crumble during a trying period in life like this has been, but not Emily! 

Here’s to being 50% done with chemo and hoping the next 4 rounds fly by. Please pray for minimal side effects with this new medication, please pray for the kiddos that they continue to stay healthy and for Matt and Emily as they start to juggle the holiday season throughout this second half of chemo. Once again- thank you all! I will update with anything new after we see how taxol goes! 


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