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May 26-Jun 01

This Week

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Woohoo! 🥳
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my cancer diagnosis!
It has also been six months since the last chemo treatment, so I got to see my surgeon for the first time since late last year. The great news is that my bloodwork looks fantastic and my cancer antigen is as low as it was the day after surgery, which was pretty darn low! 🙌🏼

I have a little hair now, but I’m just as surprised as everybody else that it’s growing in white! lol. Just kidding. I’ve just had an amazing hair colorist for several decades now…

I’ve taken the opportunity to do lots of really cool things. I do still overdo it (Alissa calls me a bulldozer), and I do find myself in my chair with Tylenol and an ice pack the day after more than I want to, but I can tell that my stamina is really revving up and I feel more mentally awake every day! Sometimes it shows up in bursts. I’m surprised at how much clearer I feel. I’m back at work full-time, and although my team would say my brain is not quite there yet, I’ve definitely been able to resume most of my previous duties. I work with an amazing team and my boss and my work have been incredibly supportive through all this. Thank you all if I haven’t said it recently. I’m so grateful for all of y’all!

I get lost in word salad sometimes and my recall is just a little bit worse than any normal post-menopausal woman. My doc says if you know you have word salad you’re OK. It’s when you don’t know you have word salad that you need to worry! So I guess I’m good for now!

My short term memory comes and goes but it’s so much better than it was. I really am not complaining, just reporting. Additionally, my frozen shoulder is almost completely gone, and all the pain moved down to my wrists to some strange tendinitis that is also slowly working itself out, but has been incredibly painful for a very long time. I feel now like it’s moving its way out my body to my fingertips and one day I’m gonna be able to flick it to the ground and it’s all gonna just fall out! I’m hoping I’m days away from doing that!

I’ve had the opportunity to get hugs in person from a lot of you who live in Corvallis, and that has been the best medicine of all! Seeing people’s faces, their delight when they see me, and getting to give them a big hug and say thank you in person for being part of my support team from near or from far away. 

I have noticed multiple time “gaps” with being able to keep up with the good, bad, and sad in your lives, so much living happened while I was groggy in a chair! You all had a hell of a year as well, so I’m sending you retroactive love!

I’m celebrating all my Virgo and now Libra friends’ birthdays and while doing so, I have met the “no drama llama Oscar” and been to a beaver football game that we won! I went to a monster-making party in Portland and to Bierly in McMinnville, for gluten-free treats! I’ve received “new puppy snuggles” from my friends’ new puppy and helped our new costumer at work (with some awesome volunteers), clean out our costume closet and get it re-organized! We’re getting ready for “NEWSIES” in February! 
If you’re in Corvallis, don’t forget to come see that. 😂💕

During chemo I picked up a ham radio manual, and started diving into that and I take my ham radio technicians license test the second week of November. Look out airwaves!

And besides all of those wonderful things, one of my first loves, combined with good friends, and a desire to help our friends and the people of Lahaina on Maui, my dear gals in Absolute Harmony, are singing with out “leerless-feeder” (“fearless leader” for those of you who don’t speak goofball) Julie Williams (chanteuse extraordinaire) and Suzannah Doyle (keyboard goddess)  October 29 at the UUFC in Corvallis. Tickets are free and you will be given an opportunity to donate to some relief efforts at the show as you are willing and able. If you’re in the area, come join us for an evening of great songs with great musicians, including Niels Nielsen on bass and Karen Sickitch on guitar. Shelley Willis, Micki Reaman and I will join Julie as Absolute Harmony for a few songs. I’m so grateful to Julie and the gals for letting me step back into singing in a manageable chunk. It’s going to be a great night and you’re all invited!

From here I just do blood tests every three months to see where my cancer antigen stays. I’m doing all the things and eating mostly super healthy, trying to be one of the folks who doesn’t have to have a recurrence of their cancer. As they say in the south, “good lord willing, and the river don’t rise”. Only time will tell. Living each day to its fullest because it has truly been a gift to make it through this.

For my brother and sister survivors who have reached out to me and shared their own stories, you know I am grateful beyond measure, and I love you right back and I’m here for you too. Say the word, any word, and I’ll be there! Best club ya never wanted to be part of indeed!

For the rest of y’all, I can’t thank you enough for your support through this and I can’t wait to give each and everyone of you a big hug for supporting me in the hundreds of ways you have!

May you all have good health, lots of love and support, and an abundance of all that you need. The greatest of these, of course is love, but I’m here to tell you good health is right up there!

From my heart to yours-  thank you.
Come see the show on October 28th and Newsies in February so I can hug you in person! For you out of towners, I’m sending you a hug right now! Reach out anytime anybody - I love ya!

E the singing bulldozer - soon to be ham operator 😂

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