Dick’s Story

Site created on December 29, 2022

On Tuesday December 27th Dick and Amy were skiing down to the lift at Sugarloaf when Dick fell and lost feeling in his arms and legs. Dick is recovering at Eastern Maine Medical Center surrounded by friends and family  and thanks you all for their huge love and support. Dick’s family will keep this page updated as he continues to recover.

A few more details about the accident- Dick fell forward over his skis at around 1pm on Tuesday at Sugarloaf. After the fall he was sledded down by ski patrol and flown to Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor. Doctors confirmed the fall put pressure on the C3-C6 vertebrae but thankfully saw no breaks. Dick appears to have had preexisting degenerative changes / arthritis may have predisposed him to the severity of his injury. 

 Tuesday night doctors performed a successful laminectomy to relieve swelling around the spine. From here we expect he’ll stay at the ICU at Eastern Maine Medical Center for 5-7 days receiving Norepinephrine to help keep his blood pressure up for better healing of his bruised spinal cord. It’s  not clear what the road ahead looks like but Dick remains 100% Dick - animated, optimistic, and resilient in the face of this journey. Thank you all for following along. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Katherine Coster

Happy holidays to you and yours! I am happy to report that Amy and I made it through the anniversary of my injury. Enough said about that…


While Amy was buried in the load that is all the work which accompanies caring for someone in my condition, I enjoyed relatively good health for the first eight months that I was home. I contracted Covid the weekend before Thanksgiving. It made for an isolated holiday –which was a real hit on my inherently positive attitude –and left me with reduced respiratory capability which has impacted my energy level. I placed a lot of emotional Capital on Christmas –probably not a great idea but it just happened. Fortunately –so so fortunately quite frankly –we got the kids home and somehow Amy nearly filled the living room with wrapped presents to make for a wonderful Christmas morning.


I've come to understand that support from family and friends is now a significant component of the foundation that holds up our little home. What happened Christmas weekend is a reflection of that incredible support. Amy's sister Kathy and her husband Bill offered to come up Christmas Eve at noon with a full meal in tow and prepare our dinner in our home. At 9 PM the night before Kathy called to report that Bill –who is in the middle of a critical cancer treatment protocol –had tested positive for Covid. We insisted they stay home and focus on Bill’s health. Not to be denied, Kathy and Bill prepared the meal at home on Sunday afternoon and Kathy arrived at our house about 5:00 PM with a full meal ready to go. She fed not only our family but our good friends the Springers with whom we annually spend Christmas Eve. Kathy stayed to feed me so that the seven others could sit together and enjoy their wonderful meal. Kathy left about 9:30 PM for her 90 minute drive home Christmas Eve… it brings tears to my eyes just to write all this down.


Then… on Christmas Day Amy's brother Tommy and his wife Maribeth arrived with their three children and another complete meal in the late afternoon to share with us. Aunt Jen, Uncle Doug and their two children joined us. We had just begun to enjoy this wonderful Christmas meal together –six parents at one table and seven children at another –when the phone rang. Sister Beth was calling to share that Nancy –the Ryan family matriarch affectionately known as “grandmother” –was feeling ill and needed support. Aunt Jen insisted on responding and headed out to assist. Two calls and two adult defections later, the three returned in time for dessert. Following the dinner we retired to the smaller living room, and after many stories were exchanged the entire group played several rounds of a board game. It was everything I could've wished for…


I continue to appreciate the blessing that support like this has provided to me and my family.   It starts with Amy - who has assembled a six person caregiving staff that is to a person exceptional and established systems to manage medical supplies, medicines, and other household needs most of which arose as a result of my injury.  Support from both her and my families has been consistent and exceptional. From the night of my surgery and every day since these two families have stood tall and together to be there for us whenever needed and have responded without fail to every call we have made. Friends and acquaintances –including each of you reading this post on Caring Bridge - have buoyed me and my family members beyond description. Bottom line is we could not be where we are without everyone’s support.


On behalf of our family, thank you, and best wishes to you and yours for a safe, healthy and happy 2024!

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