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Jun 16-22

This Week

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This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad. In her toast at our wedding, my mom told us every day is a celebration. I believe that more strongly today than ever. And she is so easy to celebrate.

My mom will always be the sunshine of my life. She had an absolutely contagious smile and radiant energy that lit up every room. I guess I better get some new sunglasses, because she is shining brighter than ever in Heaven. 😎

My mom was a beautiful daughter, sister, mother, mother-in-law, aunt, great-aunt, cousin, mentor, trainer, and friend. But her favorite title was mom. Philip and I were the biggest feathers in her cap. The 3 of us had a bond that is impossible to describe. Love, light & pride were our favorite mantras and we lived them daily. She would always tell us “I would give you the world, if only I could find a big enough box.” We were so lucky to have a mom who was also our best friend.

She was so thoughtful, and genuinely the nicest person you could ever hope to meet. She turned strangers into friends and then friends into family. Especially, at some of her favorite places like Silverlake, Cinderella’s Closet, Fall Feast, and the Corn Roast.

She prided herself in remembering people’s names and greeting everyone by name, even our servers at restaurants. If our server didn’t introduce themselves first, she would specifically ask what their name was. She was almost too good with names, to the point where I thought sometimes she was just showing off. She took sincere interest in everyone, and was an amazing and witty conversationalist. She made you feel truly special and important.

Mother Theresa taught us “Do small things with great love.” That was so my mom. Often behind the scenes, my mom loved helping others succeed and thrived on their happiness. She blessed so many people’s lives in her 30 year vocation in the fitness industry, in her family, in her faith, and in her community. She especially loved her clients and loved listening to their stories and celebrating their victories - both big and small.

She was THE most generous and selfless person ever. Many times when I would complement her on a piece of clothing she would say “do you want it? It’s yours.” Without exaggeration, she would literally give you the clothes off her back.

Whenever I had something big and prayer-worthy on my mind, she would always say “I’ll light a candle.” We certainly lit a lot of candles these past 6 months. My mom was a shining example of dignity, grace, and intentionality day in and day out. She taught us how beautiful this journey could be through her daily commitment to peace and acceptance of God’s plan. I remember the last time my mom was in the hospital, her nurse said “I don’t think I could take care of cancer patients every day. It’s too sad.” Mom responded without hesitation, “it doesn’t have to be sad. It can be really empowering.” And I agree.

Amazingly, she never once complained about her diagnosis; got angry, blamed God, was bitter about her situation, or even cried. She said once “crying is just not part of my emotional package.” I assured her I had cried enough for the both of us. She always said “we’ll just figure it out. We always do.” And we did. She was proud, strong-willed, and remained rooted in her faith all the way to the finish line. Truly a class act.

While her body is gone and she is now free from all burdens and illness, she is still very much alive: in our memories, in ways that she forever shaped who I am and maybe who you are, and also in a very real way because her spirit lives on… you didn't think we’d get rid of her that easily, did you? My mom could be stubborn, in the best of ways. I admired that about her.

Jesus said something to Martha and Mary as they struggled with the death of their brother Lazarus that resonates with me now. He said “This illness is not meant to end in death, but is meant to give glory to God.” Then He raised Lazarus from the dead. We could've really used a remastering of that story with my mom, but we are a... “THY-will-be-done” kind of crew… 

Now, while our hearts ache in sadness, we take comfort that her light burns brighter than ever. Every time you feel sad or are missing mom, I ask that you be grateful to God for her life. What a blessing she was on this earth for 57 amazing years. And I’d do it all over again for her in a second.

We will honor my mom forever in fun and special ways. Like through our peel off calendars and positive affirmations, surrounding ourselves with sunflowers and the color purple, and anonymously paying for someone else’s meal at a restaurant.

Denise’s Army has now won the battle, and we will continue to march on together. Keep smiling and praying. God is working.

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